Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics (EMCP) is a school that listens to people and is open to the world. It offers training in four major disciplines, in day courses or on a staggered timetable, with a strong commitment to student supervision and support. It conducts excellent interdisciplinary scientific research in cutting-edge fields. For tomorrow's experts and decision-makers!

The studies

The Faculty offers high-quality, local training that emphasizes rigor and critical thinking beyond pure knowledge. It strives to make its future experts and decision-makers aware of societal responsibility, interdisciplinarity and the international dimension. The bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs it offers are in four major disciplines:

Eco études

Pedagogy: a strong commitment!

The Faculty attaches the utmost importance to supervising and supporting students, whether in daytime classes or on a staggered timetable. Learning by doing, service learning, staggered schedule hybridization, ... Come and discover our pedagogical approach as well as our various schemes.

Eco études
Eco études

The Faculty, also in staggered hours

Do you want to study on a shift schedule? The Faculty offers a range of adapted training courses.



Better prediction of climate extremes


Statistics usually focus on anticipating events that fall within the norm. But what about rare events? They are dealt with by a branch of mathematics called extreme value theory, in which Anna Kiriliouk, lecturer in statistics at UNamur, is a specialist. Applied to the climate, this theory enables us to better predict extreme climatic events, at a time when these are multiplying due to climate change.

Photo de la banquise et de la mer

This article is taken from the "Impact" section of the December 2024 issue of Omalius magazine.

On the night of January 31, 1953, the North Sea suddenly rose by almost four meters, submerging parts of the Netherlands and Belgium. The disaster caused the death of over 2,500 people, as well as considerable damage. According to Anna Kiriliouk, lecturer in statistics at UNamur's Department of Mathematics and EMCP Faculty, this exceptional event truly marked "the beginning of the development of extreme value theory, with the development of the first extreme value construction project"

The Delta Plan, as it is called, is a system of dikes that protects the Netherlands against the risk of flooding, with these dikes overtopping once every 10,000 years. A rare danger, certainly, but not zero, which "could not have been calculated using conventional statistics, which are very poorly adapted to rare events", believes the mathematician.

While climate change is often discussed in terms of averages, such as rising temperatures and sea levels, it also has the consequence of increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, with significant repercussions for our societies. "In other words, the risk increases along with the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere", summarizes the researcher. "Thus, a flood calculated in 1953 to occur only every 10,000 years does not have the same significance as today. The latter could happen more frequently, for example every 1,000 years."

Attributing extreme events

While extreme weather events are on the increase, it's difficult in practice to attribute any particular flood or drought to climate change. With this in mind, Anna Kiriliouk has just been awarded an interdisciplinary research project,named EXALT, in collaboration with UCLouvain. "It involves both climatologists and statisticians, she reveals.

Photo d'Anna Kiriliouk

"This collaboration is very important, because answering this question of the attribution of extreme events can only be done through the development of a common language between our two disciplines, which currently operate separately. We have a lot to learn from each other"

Anna Kiriliouk Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Mathematics and EMCP Faculty, UNamur

In practice, the EXALT project will therefore calculate the probabilities of an extreme event occurring, and compare this probability with that of the same situation in a world where GHG emissions would not have increased. "Of course, we don't have real data from such a world", says Anna Kiriliouk. "We are therefore basing ourselves on alternative climate simulations, the quality of which we will moreover compare, with a focus on extreme events."

Divided into three working groups, the EXALT project will seek in particular to determine the role of climate change in the occurrence of floods, as well as heat waves and drought in Europe. And to do so as realistically as possible: "One of the things we want to incorporate into climate models concerns the dependency between data," explains Anna Kiriliouk. "For example, if a heat wave hits Namur, there's a good chance that the same temperatures will affect Louvain-La-Neuve. We therefore say that there is a strong spatial dependency between these two data. However, this dependence is probably not at all valid for rain, which is much more heterogeneous. By taking into account all these variables, both spatial and temporal, we hope to improve existing models."

A third working group will study much more distant areas, located in Antarctica. "Until 2016, the extent of the Antarctic ice pack was increasing, before abruptly decreasing", the researcher illuminates. "Or, according to the models, this event was considered almost impossible. But with one of EXALT's partners, we began to analyze the evolution of pack ice extent using extreme value theory. With the latter, this sudden drop was no longer so improbable. This gave us confidence in our approach, which is all the more important when the state of the pack ice has such a strong influence on other climate variables."

Compound events

This interaction between several climatic processes is, moreover, the subject of a second project just obtained by Anna Kiriliouk and funded by an FNRS Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique. "The aim is to make it possible to study what we call compound events", explains the researcher. "During extreme climatic situations, we usually associate very high or low values simultaneously, such as a lack of rain and high temperature, resulting in an intense drought. But in the case of compound phenomena, we find that the combination of several variables, albeit in a moderate state, results in a severe and unusual event."

In 2017, for example, Hurricane Sandy, which struck the US coastline, is considered a compound event. While North Atlantic hurricanes usually dissipate in mid-ocean, this one coincided with onshore winds and a high tide, leading to massive flooding of New York and the surrounding area.

"In this project, we will therefore try to include more flexibility between the different variables, by introducing different degrees of dependence, the mathematician elaborates. "We're also going to try, as a second step, to group the dependencies together, in order to lighten the models, which become more and more complex as we add nuances to them. And once these models have been modified, we'll apply them to recent events to test their realism."

EXALT - ARC project (FWB)

Funded by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB), ARC projects are Concerted Research Action projects that aim to develop university or inter-university centers of excellence in basic research areas and, where possible, that carry out basic and applied research in an integrated way and aim to add economic and social value to research results.

Logo FWB

Mandat d'impulsion scientifique (MIS) - FNRS

The aim of the funding granted is to support young permanent researchers wishing to develop a scientific unit within their academic institution in a promising field. This mandate has earned Anna Kiriliouk a fellowship from Namur Research College (NARC).


This article is taken from the "Impact" section of Omalius magazine #35 (December 2024).

Visuel de Omalius #35 - décembre 2024

Two UNamur academics join the Collegium of the Académie Royale de Belgique

Digital transition

Anthony Simonofski and Olivier Sartenaer, have been elected to join the prestigious Collégium de l'Académie royale de Belgique. Bringing together young researchers (under 40) from Wallonia-Brussels who have particularly distinguished themselves in their careers, the Collégium's objectives include promoting the arts and research.

Olivier Sartenaer et Anthony Simonofski

Anthony Simonofski is Professor of Digital Transformation at the UNamur School of Management (EMCP Faculty) and a member of the Namur Digital Institute (University of Namur). It is recognized for its innovative research in governance and digital transformation.

Anthony Simonofski

"For 5 years, I'll be part of the Collegium of the Royal Academy of Belgium, and also of the "Technology and Society" class. My participation will enable me to contribute my vision and interdisciplinary expertise on digital transformation. During this mandate, I will be able to participate in the Academy's various work concerning its knowledge dissemination events such as its colloquia or scientific valorization (prizes, competitions, grants)", explains Anthony Simonofski.

One of the missions he hopes to accomplish as part of his mandate is to exchange on digital issues through an interdisciplinary approach. "Today's digital challenges require an interdisciplinary approach, combining IT, managerial, legal, sociological perspectives and much more. The 'Technology and Society' class will enable these exchanges to elaborate constructive reflections for a harmonious integration of digital in our society," he emphasizes. He will also make his expertise in digital transformation available. "It presents a whole series of new challenges such as inclusion, adoption or the necessary participation of citizens. So I'd like to make my research in this area available, and perhaps even encourage the Academy itself to enter into a more participatory approach towards citizens via digital channels," Anthony Simonofski points out.

Author of the podcast "Pop-Code" about digital education, which he is producing with his colleague Benoit Vanderose (Faculté informatique- UNamur), Anthony SIMONOFSKI also defends the concept of art as a vehicle for popularizing science. "At the Collegium, I want to work to make digital research accessible and engaging, by initiating collaborative projects that combine scientific rigor and artistic innovation to reach a wider and more diverse audience." Finally, by becoming a member of the Collegium, Anthony Simonofski will ensure representation of UNamur's expertise on digital, notably by relaying the interdisciplinary vision of the Namur Digital Institute and the EMCP Faculty.

Olivier Sartenaer, meanwhile, is Professor of Philosophy at UNamur and his research focuses on metaphysics and the philosophy of science. "By joining the Collegium, I hope to enrich the reflections of the Humanities and Moral and Political Sciences class with my expertise in epistemology and philosophy of science. I also hope to help bring the class closer to those more oriented towards the natural sciences, thanks to the feet I have somewhat in both universes.

Olivier Sartenaer

Incidentally, I also hope to represent UNamur there," Olivier Sartenaer points out. "Integrating the Collegium is a nice recognition of my work. Secondly, it will enable me to meet a lot of interesting people and, together, to cross-fertilize our expertise to reflect on major societal issues at our monthly sessions. I'll be able to present and discuss my work, and also discover the work of Belgian scientific colleagues. Finally, it will enable me to take advantage of some of the Academy's support (access to premises, publications, networks, etc.) to organize events, or disseminate my work".

Photo de groupe des élus du Collegium de l'Académie royale

The Collegium of the Royal Academy of Belgium

Le Collégium de l'Académie royale de Belgique est un organe qui rassemble des jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses (moins de 40 ans) de Wallonie-Bruxelles qui se sont particulièrement distingués dans leur carrière. Fondé en 2009, le Collégium a pour mission de soutenir l'Académie dans ses objectifs de promotion des arts et de la recherche. Il organise également des cours-conférences de niveau universitaire, gratuits et accessibles à un large public. 

Former UNamur doctoral student featured in The Economist

ODD #10 - Reduced inequalities

The research of Dr. Nitin Bharti, a former PhD student in the Economics Department of the EMCP Faculty at the University of Namur, is covered in "The Economist", the prestigious international business magazine. The article deals with one of his favorite research themes: understanding the development of education systems and their link with economic growth and long-term inequality.

India-China locator on the globe with a picture of Nitin Bharti ant the logo of The Economist

Nitin Bharti is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Economics Program of the Division of Social Sciences at New York University Abu Dhabi. He is also coordinator of the World Inequality Lab for South and Southeast Asia. He received his PhD in economics from the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the University of Namur in September 2022 under the supervision of his promoters, Thomas Piketty (PSE) and Guilhem Cassan (UNamur).

His doctoral thesis at UNamur studied different dimensions of inequality in India:

  • Inequality of access to education (covered by the article in the Economist),
  • Inequality of income and wealth,
  • Inequality of treatment in the face of justice.

For each of these projects, he conducted extraordinary data collection work, searching for new data in historical archives, or using new website data-mining methods to collect large-scale contemporary administrative data. He then exploited this data via cutting-edge econometric methods.

More about Dr Nitin Bharti

These topics are also at the heart of the themes developed at UNamur, for both teaching and research.

In fact, the DeFiPP Institute has recognized expertise in development economics and environmental economics. Its researchers are very active internationally. Some of DeFiPP's members, for example, have Jim Robinson, Nobel Prize 2024 for his research on the role of institutions in economic development, as a co-author on their articles.

These issues are also at the heart of many of the Economics Department's courses, at both bachelor and master levels. The Department of Economics is keen to offer its students an education that enables them to gain a better understanding of major contemporary societal issues. The Department also has a very long tradition of teaching issues related to the management of environmental resources, inequalities and sustainable development in general.

The Economist | "Bureaucrats, not bridge-builders"

In the article published by The Economist, Nitin Bharti and his co-author Li Yang answer this question: are educational policy choices in India and China at the root of these two countries' economic divergence? The researchers tracked the evolution of education in India and China between 1900 and 2020. According to their study, educational policy is an important and underestimated factor in explaining the trajectories of these countries.

Logo de "the Economist"

At the beginning of the 20th century, less than 10% of Indian and Chinese children attended school; today, almost all do. But the path to universal education has been remarkably different, and has had profound effects on the development of both countries' economies.

EMCP Faculty | Studies in the Department of Economics

Comprendre la dimension fondamentale du fonctionnement des entreprises et de notre société pour conseiller et agir en expert et décideur responsable.  

Magasins D'ici: a local offering created by UNamur alumni


A tasty, local and sustainable food offer: that's the challenge facing D'ici stores, based in the Namur region. At the head of this initiative are three UNamur alumni in search of proximity.


This article is taken from the "Alumni" section of the September 2024 issue of Omalius magazine.

As a child, warehouses and department store aisles were a favorite playground for former UNamur student Frank Mestdagh. Now part of the Intermarché Group, SA Mestdagh has been a key player in the Walloon and Brussels retail sectors for over a century. After completing his studies in economics and social sciences, Frank Mestdagh worked in a variety of fields, but eventually returned to the family DNA. "I took over a company that cut charcuterie for the mass retail sector, gradually realizing that the model didn't suit me", he recounts. It was at this point that he discovered Ferme du Sart (now Otera du Sart), a French chain specializing in local produce. "I thought it was really smart: you could feel the closeness to the producers, there were fewer denatured, over-marketed products. France was and remains very much ahead of the game when it comes to this type of trade, probably because of a sense of regional belonging, but also because there's a much larger fabric of producers and artisans." Frank Mestdagh then began to develop the D'ici stores project and opened his first store in Naninne in May 2013. Three years later, another store - now closed - saw the light of day in Hannut. "In retrospect, it was a mistake." In 2021, it's Wépion that finally welcomes a second successful outlet. 2025 will see the opening of a third store in Champion, still in the Namur region.

Links beyond food

For Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien, entrepreneurship is also a family affair. "I have a father who is a company director and who was a bit of an example for me in terms of vision and management. I think I had something to prove to him by choosing this direction. " The woman who considers herself above all a generalist - "during a skills assessment, I was told that I could do just about anything, but that I'd never be an expert"will pursue a bachelor's degree in social sciences and management from UNamur, with a particular interest in courses in philo, socio, social sciences and history. "I wish I'd had today's maturity to grasp the interest of the subject," she analyzes. Whatever the case, Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien is convinced that it's less the diploma that makes the difference than "what you've got in your belly." In 2021, after a career start in telecommunications and a period of"bumbling around the world", she joins the D'ici store adventure. "What attracted me was the whole story Frank was telling, everything that goes beyond food, what it generates in terms of bonds between people."

Positioning without extremism

For his part, Jérôme Bette, a graduate in management engineering from UNamur, worked for a long time in marketing for a clothing chain. "With all the problems of fast fashion that we know", comments the man who was looking for more meaning in his work. In 2022, he in turn joined D'ici stores. "I've found that the great strength of the project is that we're not extremist in our positioning. This allows us, little by little, to bring a less informed public towards something that makes sense," he comments. "Where, when the identity is very strong, it can be a hindrance." The brand has thus chosen local over organic. "I'd say that in terms of prices, we're around 10-15% more expensive than mass retailers, while remaining 10-15% cheaper than an organic chain," estimates Frank Mestdagh. For Jérôme Bette, the important thing is to work above all on quality and proximity. "It's not realistic to fight on price," he sums up. "Our wish is for the customer to understand that he's paying the right price and that it's the price he's paying elsewhere that isn't fair. When chicken is 3 euros a kilo, that's where the problem lies...". "The gamble will be won when everyone knows that we're doing local and not organic," adds Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien. "Because local means geographical proximity - with 50% of products coming from less than 50 km around - but also relational proximity. The producers, even if they come from further afield, we know their first names..." Even more than yesterday, Frank Mestdagh believes in the relevance of a very local anchoring in the Namur region. "Today, we have customers who are very attached to the concept, which gives us - as well as the producers - a great deal of trust capital," the founder enthuses.

Frank Mestdagh

1986-1991: bachelor's and master's degrees in economics and social sciences at UNamur

2012 : creation of D'ici

An anecdote: "I remember stumbling into the elevator with the late Professor Charles Jaumotte, just after he'd delivered his terrific introductory economics course. He was out of breath, exhausted from having 'given everything' to the students."


Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien

2004-2006: bachelor's degree in social and management sciences at UNamur, then master's degree at UCLouvain.

2021 : start at D'ici stores

A piece of advice:"One piece of advice I received during my studies and have followed: be curious, and open yourself up to the unknown, feeding your curiosity through all types of sectors and experiences."


Jérôme Bette

2002-2006: bachelor's degree in management engineering at UNamur

2022 : debut at D'ici stores

A piece of advice:"After two painfully successful first years, everything became easier when I applied two simple principles: diligence and organization. These studies have given me the curiosity and critical thinking skills I need to decode the issues that concern me and be able to respond to them in the best possible way."


This article is taken from the "Alumni" section of Omalius magazine #34 (September 2024).

Une Omalius septembre 2024

Better prediction of climate extremes


Statistics usually focus on anticipating events that fall within the norm. But what about rare events? They are dealt with by a branch of mathematics called extreme value theory, in which Anna Kiriliouk, lecturer in statistics at UNamur, is a specialist. Applied to the climate, this theory enables us to better predict extreme climatic events, at a time when these are multiplying due to climate change.

Photo de la banquise et de la mer

This article is taken from the "Impact" section of the December 2024 issue of Omalius magazine.

On the night of January 31, 1953, the North Sea suddenly rose by almost four meters, submerging parts of the Netherlands and Belgium. The disaster caused the death of over 2,500 people, as well as considerable damage. According to Anna Kiriliouk, lecturer in statistics at UNamur's Department of Mathematics and EMCP Faculty, this exceptional event truly marked "the beginning of the development of extreme value theory, with the development of the first extreme value construction project"

The Delta Plan, as it is called, is a system of dikes that protects the Netherlands against the risk of flooding, with these dikes overtopping once every 10,000 years. A rare danger, certainly, but not zero, which "could not have been calculated using conventional statistics, which are very poorly adapted to rare events", believes the mathematician.

While climate change is often discussed in terms of averages, such as rising temperatures and sea levels, it also has the consequence of increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, with significant repercussions for our societies. "In other words, the risk increases along with the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere", summarizes the researcher. "Thus, a flood calculated in 1953 to occur only every 10,000 years does not have the same significance as today. The latter could happen more frequently, for example every 1,000 years."

Attributing extreme events

While extreme weather events are on the increase, it's difficult in practice to attribute any particular flood or drought to climate change. With this in mind, Anna Kiriliouk has just been awarded an interdisciplinary research project,named EXALT, in collaboration with UCLouvain. "It involves both climatologists and statisticians, she reveals.

Photo d'Anna Kiriliouk

"This collaboration is very important, because answering this question of the attribution of extreme events can only be done through the development of a common language between our two disciplines, which currently operate separately. We have a lot to learn from each other"

Anna Kiriliouk Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Mathematics and EMCP Faculty, UNamur

In practice, the EXALT project will therefore calculate the probabilities of an extreme event occurring, and compare this probability with that of the same situation in a world where GHG emissions would not have increased. "Of course, we don't have real data from such a world", says Anna Kiriliouk. "We are therefore basing ourselves on alternative climate simulations, the quality of which we will moreover compare, with a focus on extreme events."

Divided into three working groups, the EXALT project will seek in particular to determine the role of climate change in the occurrence of floods, as well as heat waves and drought in Europe. And to do so as realistically as possible: "One of the things we want to incorporate into climate models concerns the dependency between data," explains Anna Kiriliouk. "For example, if a heat wave hits Namur, there's a good chance that the same temperatures will affect Louvain-La-Neuve. We therefore say that there is a strong spatial dependency between these two data. However, this dependence is probably not at all valid for rain, which is much more heterogeneous. By taking into account all these variables, both spatial and temporal, we hope to improve existing models."

A third working group will study much more distant areas, located in Antarctica. "Until 2016, the extent of the Antarctic ice pack was increasing, before abruptly decreasing", the researcher illuminates. "Or, according to the models, this event was considered almost impossible. But with one of EXALT's partners, we began to analyze the evolution of pack ice extent using extreme value theory. With the latter, this sudden drop was no longer so improbable. This gave us confidence in our approach, which is all the more important when the state of the pack ice has such a strong influence on other climate variables."

Compound events

This interaction between several climatic processes is, moreover, the subject of a second project just obtained by Anna Kiriliouk and funded by an FNRS Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique. "The aim is to make it possible to study what we call compound events", explains the researcher. "During extreme climatic situations, we usually associate very high or low values simultaneously, such as a lack of rain and high temperature, resulting in an intense drought. But in the case of compound phenomena, we find that the combination of several variables, albeit in a moderate state, results in a severe and unusual event."

In 2017, for example, Hurricane Sandy, which struck the US coastline, is considered a compound event. While North Atlantic hurricanes usually dissipate in mid-ocean, this one coincided with onshore winds and a high tide, leading to massive flooding of New York and the surrounding area.

"In this project, we will therefore try to include more flexibility between the different variables, by introducing different degrees of dependence, the mathematician elaborates. "We're also going to try, as a second step, to group the dependencies together, in order to lighten the models, which become more and more complex as we add nuances to them. And once these models have been modified, we'll apply them to recent events to test their realism."

EXALT - ARC project (FWB)

Funded by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB), ARC projects are Concerted Research Action projects that aim to develop university or inter-university centers of excellence in basic research areas and, where possible, that carry out basic and applied research in an integrated way and aim to add economic and social value to research results.

Logo FWB

Mandat d'impulsion scientifique (MIS) - FNRS

The aim of the funding granted is to support young permanent researchers wishing to develop a scientific unit within their academic institution in a promising field. This mandate has earned Anna Kiriliouk a fellowship from Namur Research College (NARC).


This article is taken from the "Impact" section of Omalius magazine #35 (December 2024).

Visuel de Omalius #35 - décembre 2024

Two UNamur academics join the Collegium of the Académie Royale de Belgique

Digital transition

Anthony Simonofski and Olivier Sartenaer, have been elected to join the prestigious Collégium de l'Académie royale de Belgique. Bringing together young researchers (under 40) from Wallonia-Brussels who have particularly distinguished themselves in their careers, the Collégium's objectives include promoting the arts and research.

Olivier Sartenaer et Anthony Simonofski

Anthony Simonofski is Professor of Digital Transformation at the UNamur School of Management (EMCP Faculty) and a member of the Namur Digital Institute (University of Namur). It is recognized for its innovative research in governance and digital transformation.

Anthony Simonofski

"For 5 years, I'll be part of the Collegium of the Royal Academy of Belgium, and also of the "Technology and Society" class. My participation will enable me to contribute my vision and interdisciplinary expertise on digital transformation. During this mandate, I will be able to participate in the Academy's various work concerning its knowledge dissemination events such as its colloquia or scientific valorization (prizes, competitions, grants)", explains Anthony Simonofski.

One of the missions he hopes to accomplish as part of his mandate is to exchange on digital issues through an interdisciplinary approach. "Today's digital challenges require an interdisciplinary approach, combining IT, managerial, legal, sociological perspectives and much more. The 'Technology and Society' class will enable these exchanges to elaborate constructive reflections for a harmonious integration of digital in our society," he emphasizes. He will also make his expertise in digital transformation available. "It presents a whole series of new challenges such as inclusion, adoption or the necessary participation of citizens. So I'd like to make my research in this area available, and perhaps even encourage the Academy itself to enter into a more participatory approach towards citizens via digital channels," Anthony Simonofski points out.

Author of the podcast "Pop-Code" about digital education, which he is producing with his colleague Benoit Vanderose (Faculté informatique- UNamur), Anthony SIMONOFSKI also defends the concept of art as a vehicle for popularizing science. "At the Collegium, I want to work to make digital research accessible and engaging, by initiating collaborative projects that combine scientific rigor and artistic innovation to reach a wider and more diverse audience." Finally, by becoming a member of the Collegium, Anthony Simonofski will ensure representation of UNamur's expertise on digital, notably by relaying the interdisciplinary vision of the Namur Digital Institute and the EMCP Faculty.

Olivier Sartenaer, meanwhile, is Professor of Philosophy at UNamur and his research focuses on metaphysics and the philosophy of science. "By joining the Collegium, I hope to enrich the reflections of the Humanities and Moral and Political Sciences class with my expertise in epistemology and philosophy of science. I also hope to help bring the class closer to those more oriented towards the natural sciences, thanks to the feet I have somewhat in both universes.

Olivier Sartenaer

Incidentally, I also hope to represent UNamur there," Olivier Sartenaer points out. "Integrating the Collegium is a nice recognition of my work. Secondly, it will enable me to meet a lot of interesting people and, together, to cross-fertilize our expertise to reflect on major societal issues at our monthly sessions. I'll be able to present and discuss my work, and also discover the work of Belgian scientific colleagues. Finally, it will enable me to take advantage of some of the Academy's support (access to premises, publications, networks, etc.) to organize events, or disseminate my work".

Photo de groupe des élus du Collegium de l'Académie royale

The Collegium of the Royal Academy of Belgium

Le Collégium de l'Académie royale de Belgique est un organe qui rassemble des jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses (moins de 40 ans) de Wallonie-Bruxelles qui se sont particulièrement distingués dans leur carrière. Fondé en 2009, le Collégium a pour mission de soutenir l'Académie dans ses objectifs de promotion des arts et de la recherche. Il organise également des cours-conférences de niveau universitaire, gratuits et accessibles à un large public. 

Former UNamur doctoral student featured in The Economist

ODD #10 - Reduced inequalities

The research of Dr. Nitin Bharti, a former PhD student in the Economics Department of the EMCP Faculty at the University of Namur, is covered in "The Economist", the prestigious international business magazine. The article deals with one of his favorite research themes: understanding the development of education systems and their link with economic growth and long-term inequality.

India-China locator on the globe with a picture of Nitin Bharti ant the logo of The Economist

Nitin Bharti is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Economics Program of the Division of Social Sciences at New York University Abu Dhabi. He is also coordinator of the World Inequality Lab for South and Southeast Asia. He received his PhD in economics from the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the University of Namur in September 2022 under the supervision of his promoters, Thomas Piketty (PSE) and Guilhem Cassan (UNamur).

His doctoral thesis at UNamur studied different dimensions of inequality in India:

  • Inequality of access to education (covered by the article in the Economist),
  • Inequality of income and wealth,
  • Inequality of treatment in the face of justice.

For each of these projects, he conducted extraordinary data collection work, searching for new data in historical archives, or using new website data-mining methods to collect large-scale contemporary administrative data. He then exploited this data via cutting-edge econometric methods.

More about Dr Nitin Bharti

These topics are also at the heart of the themes developed at UNamur, for both teaching and research.

In fact, the DeFiPP Institute has recognized expertise in development economics and environmental economics. Its researchers are very active internationally. Some of DeFiPP's members, for example, have Jim Robinson, Nobel Prize 2024 for his research on the role of institutions in economic development, as a co-author on their articles.

These issues are also at the heart of many of the Economics Department's courses, at both bachelor and master levels. The Department of Economics is keen to offer its students an education that enables them to gain a better understanding of major contemporary societal issues. The Department also has a very long tradition of teaching issues related to the management of environmental resources, inequalities and sustainable development in general.

The Economist | "Bureaucrats, not bridge-builders"

In the article published by The Economist, Nitin Bharti and his co-author Li Yang answer this question: are educational policy choices in India and China at the root of these two countries' economic divergence? The researchers tracked the evolution of education in India and China between 1900 and 2020. According to their study, educational policy is an important and underestimated factor in explaining the trajectories of these countries.

Logo de "the Economist"

At the beginning of the 20th century, less than 10% of Indian and Chinese children attended school; today, almost all do. But the path to universal education has been remarkably different, and has had profound effects on the development of both countries' economies.

EMCP Faculty | Studies in the Department of Economics

Comprendre la dimension fondamentale du fonctionnement des entreprises et de notre société pour conseiller et agir en expert et décideur responsable.  

Magasins D'ici: a local offering created by UNamur alumni


A tasty, local and sustainable food offer: that's the challenge facing D'ici stores, based in the Namur region. At the head of this initiative are three UNamur alumni in search of proximity.


This article is taken from the "Alumni" section of the September 2024 issue of Omalius magazine.

As a child, warehouses and department store aisles were a favorite playground for former UNamur student Frank Mestdagh. Now part of the Intermarché Group, SA Mestdagh has been a key player in the Walloon and Brussels retail sectors for over a century. After completing his studies in economics and social sciences, Frank Mestdagh worked in a variety of fields, but eventually returned to the family DNA. "I took over a company that cut charcuterie for the mass retail sector, gradually realizing that the model didn't suit me", he recounts. It was at this point that he discovered Ferme du Sart (now Otera du Sart), a French chain specializing in local produce. "I thought it was really smart: you could feel the closeness to the producers, there were fewer denatured, over-marketed products. France was and remains very much ahead of the game when it comes to this type of trade, probably because of a sense of regional belonging, but also because there's a much larger fabric of producers and artisans." Frank Mestdagh then began to develop the D'ici stores project and opened his first store in Naninne in May 2013. Three years later, another store - now closed - saw the light of day in Hannut. "In retrospect, it was a mistake." In 2021, it's Wépion that finally welcomes a second successful outlet. 2025 will see the opening of a third store in Champion, still in the Namur region.

Links beyond food

For Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien, entrepreneurship is also a family affair. "I have a father who is a company director and who was a bit of an example for me in terms of vision and management. I think I had something to prove to him by choosing this direction. " The woman who considers herself above all a generalist - "during a skills assessment, I was told that I could do just about anything, but that I'd never be an expert"will pursue a bachelor's degree in social sciences and management from UNamur, with a particular interest in courses in philo, socio, social sciences and history. "I wish I'd had today's maturity to grasp the interest of the subject," she analyzes. Whatever the case, Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien is convinced that it's less the diploma that makes the difference than "what you've got in your belly." In 2021, after a career start in telecommunications and a period of"bumbling around the world", she joins the D'ici store adventure. "What attracted me was the whole story Frank was telling, everything that goes beyond food, what it generates in terms of bonds between people."

Positioning without extremism

For his part, Jérôme Bette, a graduate in management engineering from UNamur, worked for a long time in marketing for a clothing chain. "With all the problems of fast fashion that we know", comments the man who was looking for more meaning in his work. In 2022, he in turn joined D'ici stores. "I've found that the great strength of the project is that we're not extremist in our positioning. This allows us, little by little, to bring a less informed public towards something that makes sense," he comments. "Where, when the identity is very strong, it can be a hindrance." The brand has thus chosen local over organic. "I'd say that in terms of prices, we're around 10-15% more expensive than mass retailers, while remaining 10-15% cheaper than an organic chain," estimates Frank Mestdagh. For Jérôme Bette, the important thing is to work above all on quality and proximity. "It's not realistic to fight on price," he sums up. "Our wish is for the customer to understand that he's paying the right price and that it's the price he's paying elsewhere that isn't fair. When chicken is 3 euros a kilo, that's where the problem lies...". "The gamble will be won when everyone knows that we're doing local and not organic," adds Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien. "Because local means geographical proximity - with 50% of products coming from less than 50 km around - but also relational proximity. The producers, even if they come from further afield, we know their first names..." Even more than yesterday, Frank Mestdagh believes in the relevance of a very local anchoring in the Namur region. "Today, we have customers who are very attached to the concept, which gives us - as well as the producers - a great deal of trust capital," the founder enthuses.

Frank Mestdagh

1986-1991: bachelor's and master's degrees in economics and social sciences at UNamur

2012 : creation of D'ici

An anecdote: "I remember stumbling into the elevator with the late Professor Charles Jaumotte, just after he'd delivered his terrific introductory economics course. He was out of breath, exhausted from having 'given everything' to the students."


Élisabeth Bois d'Enghien

2004-2006: bachelor's degree in social and management sciences at UNamur, then master's degree at UCLouvain.

2021 : start at D'ici stores

A piece of advice:"One piece of advice I received during my studies and have followed: be curious, and open yourself up to the unknown, feeding your curiosity through all types of sectors and experiences."


Jérôme Bette

2002-2006: bachelor's degree in management engineering at UNamur

2022 : debut at D'ici stores

A piece of advice:"After two painfully successful first years, everything became easier when I applied two simple principles: diligence and organization. These studies have given me the curiosity and critical thinking skills I need to decode the issues that concern me and be able to respond to them in the best possible way."


This article is taken from the "Alumni" section of Omalius magazine #34 (September 2024).

Une Omalius septembre 2024
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  • 27
  • 05

Spring open courses

Corporate event

Spring open courses

Futurs étudiants
08:30 - 5
Rue de Bruxelles, 85 - 5000 Namur
Contact person :  Info études

7 days to discover the daily life of students

During the secondary school vacations, UNamur opens the doors of its auditoriums for you to live a few hours or a few days with students, attend classes (over 300 hours available), take part in practical work, meet professors and explore the city and campus.

Cours ouverts de printemps 2025

In practice

Who are open courses for?

Open courses are open to all, although they are primarily aimed at secondary school students to help them take that first step in exploring higher education.

What is the schedule for open courses?

Courses are open from February 27 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 08:30 to 16:30.

To find out the precise timetable and location of each course, please visit the Info études service (Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur), 15 minutes before the start of the course.

The provisional program is available 15 days before the start of open courses.

How to meet a guidance counselor

You have the opportunity to meet a guidance counselor at the guidance workshop scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm.

The aim of this workshop is to help you think about the guidance process, gain a better understanding of the higher education landscape and define the main markers in the process of clarifying your project (educational and professional).

Our advisor is also available by appointment for a one-to-one meeting throughout the week of open courses and outside of it.

Do you have to register to take part?

Access to open courses is without prior registration.

To participate in the orientation workshop, however, online registration is mandatory and will be available some ten days before the start of the open courses.

Who organizes the open courses?

Open courses are organized by Info études, the service that provides information on all matters relating to choice of studies, prerequisites, reorientation, gateways, course curricula, job opportunities, additional training, recognition of prior learning... or any general questions about university life in Namur.


Local elections 2024: workshop-conference


Local elections 2024: workshop-conference

09:00 - 13:00
Université de Namur - Arsenal - Rue Bruno, 11 - 5000 Namur

We are pleased to invite you to our workshop-conference to present the "Local Elections 2024" reports, where we will share summaries and key figures from the research carried out by an academic consortium UNamur-ULB-UCLouvain-UMons-ULiège supported by the Walloon Government and SPW Interior and Social Action. Registration is now closed. 

Visuel de l'événement des Elections locales 2024

An analysis of voter turnout in October 2024

This analysis presents a comparison of voter turnout in Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders. On the one hand, the report identifies the profiles and political attitudes of voters who abstained (representative survey of the Belgian population). On the other hand, the report presents the evolution of abstention and electoral participation according to institutional and political contexts in Wallonia. Particular attention is paid to the increase in blank and invalid votes in Wallonia.

Analysis of the effects of electoral reforms since 2018

This analysis presents the effects linked to the adoption of gender quotas in communal executives, as well as the effects of the end of the devolutive effect of the top box in Wallonia. These electoral reforms may have had limited effects in some communes (mainly due to a "learning" effect of the new electoral rules). Our report analyzes the effects observed in 2024 and the factors explaining the differences observed between Wallonia's communes.

Analysis of the restructuring of the electoral offer in 2024

While 2018 had seen a significant increase in the number of lists present at communal polls (notably so-called "citizen" and far-right lists), in October 2024, the number of lists in competition fell significantly. An analysis of official figures describes the evolution of the number and type of lists according to the institutional and political configurations of Wallonia's communes. It focuses in particular on the evolution of typically "local" lists, a Walloon characteristic within European democracies.

Personnes qui votent

Practical information


Rue Bruno, 11 - 5000 Namur

L'Arsenal is a 10-minute walk from Namur train station and the Parliament of Wallonia. Adjacent parking is available free of charge (Rue de l'Arsenal 13, 5000 Namur)

Registration required (places are limited - registration deadline: March 3)


9:00-13:00: Conference workshop

  • 9:00-9:30: welcome and coffee
  • 9:30-9:35: presentation of the project by the inter-university consortium
  • 9:35-11:40 : presentation of reports and Q&A

    Analysis of the restructuring of the electoral offer in 2024

    Analysis of electoral participation in 2024

    Analysis of the effects of electoral reforms in 2024

  • 11:40-11:50 : closing remarks
  • 12:00-13:00: closing lunch

Contact person

For information requests: laura.uyttendaele@unamur.be and jeremy.dodeigne@unamur.be

Logo SPW Wallonie

SPW Interior and Social Action


Revue facultaire EMCP - Disconnexion : Panne à la Fac


Revue facultaire EMCP - Disconnexion : Panne à la Fac

19:00 - 23:55
Amphithéâtre Vauban - Boulevard Frère Orban - 5000 Namur
Register for the event

This year, EMCP Revue plunges you into total darkness! A sudden power cut, blocked doors... Now you're locked in, with no way out! What can you do? Who's in charge? Can you survive this mysterious blackout? Don't miss this captivating show where your teachers will be trapped in an unexpected situation... Thrills, suspense and surprises guaranteed!


Practical info

  • Thursday, March 13, 2025
  • Doors open at 7pm
  • Pre-sales: €7 / Same day: €8
All events


The Faculty's many research teams aim to produce research of excellence where quality takes precedence over quantity. By concentrating their research efforts in cutting-edge fields, they produce scientific research, open to interdisciplinary rapprochements, with a societal impact, on a national and international scale. The research carried out in the Faculty feeds its teaching and its capacity to innovate.


In addition to the internationalization of faculty life (courses and other activities, students, teachers), the Faculty offers Bachelor's and Master's level mobility opportunities in the form of "course" exchange programs (Erasmus Belgica, Erasmus + and non-European stays) as well as internships in companies and other organizations abroad!

International photos etudiants

A word from the Dean

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Students are at the heart of our profession, they are our joy, our pride. By working together, openly, creatively and constructively, we'll make sure they shine, both at UNamur and beyond its walls.
Pietro Zidda
Dean of the Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics (EMCP)
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The Faculty in figures

Percentage of international students
Staff members
Dispositifs pédagogiques fac sciences éco

Contacts and location

Faculty Economics Management Communication Politics (EMCP) welcomes you to the heart of the Namur campus.