A series of events and players revolve around the Faculty of Computer Science.

IT Jobs Fair

Each November, the Faculty of Computer Science organizes a job fair dedicated to digital professions. It's not just computer engineering companies that are recruiting, of course. Digital professions are present in all sectors (mobility, health, economics, finance ...) and the companies recruiting our graduates are numerous!

For the companies, it's an opportunity to meet tomorrow's specialists and showcase their activities and the opportunities they have to offer to the UNamur students taking part in this event.

Contact: entreprise.info@unamur.be

Faculty ecosystem

The ALMIN (UNamur Faculty of Computer Science Alumni Association) develops and animates the faculty's alumni network. Its missions are:

  • Develop and animate the alumni network of the Faculty of iInformatics in a spirit of conviviality and solidarity.
  • Create and maintain a sense of belonging to the UNamur family in keeping with its values.
  • Promote the faculty's image and achievements to alumni and vice versa.
  • To ensure intergenerational solidarity within the alumni community.

Contact: almin@unamur.be

The CSlabs (Computer Science Labs) is a Junior Entreprise (JE) based at the Faculty of Computer Science that offers services to companies in the field of computer science. Its aim is to provide a plus for students who want to go beyond the framework offered by computer science training. CSLabs organizes training courses, events, competitions, projects and provides its members with a first professional experience.

Contact: contact@cslabs.be

Student ecosystem

Circles bring together members of the same faculty, while Régionales bring students together according to their geographical origin. Finally, kots-à-projet (KàPs) offer members the opportunity to carry out a project close to their hearts throughout an academic year.

The E-kot is a UNamur project kot that aims to make computing accessible to all. E-Kot organizes drop-in sessions for students in need and offers assistance to UNamur collectives.

Contact: ekot.unamur@gmail.com

The Cercle Informatique is the student circle of the Faculty of Computer Science. Its aim is to promote student folklore and computing among students. It organizes various evenings.

Contact: cercle.info@unamur.be

The Namur ecosystem

The Faculty of Computer Science is anchored at the heart of a Namur ecosystem of innovation and digital creativity. The City of Namur has been positioning itself as a Smart City for many years, and since 2021 has been recognized as a "UNESCO Creative City in the field of digital arts". It has enriched itself with exciting venues and events such as the TRAKK (Creative Hub), the KIKK festival (a digital and innovation festival), the Pavillon (a reference point for digital culture in Wallonia) and hosts trade fairs such as SETT (a trade fair for education in the age of new technologies)... Through their dynamism, our students and researchers contribute to the digital anchoring of the City of Namur.


The Faculty of Computer Science maintains a biannual newsletter for the general public, students and faculty alumni.