In 2012, the University of Namur embarked on the process of obtaining the "HR Excellence in Research" label. This European label is awarded to research and funding institutions that apply the Recruitment Code and the Researcher's Charter, and take action to implement them in their recruitment and human management policies.
In order to retain the Euraxess | HR Excellence in Research label, the University of Namur must prove that it is implementing HRS4R actions to promote researcher mobility and that it is applying the European Researcher's Charter and the Researcher's Recruitment Code. These actions will be complemented by a strategy that promotes Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment (OTM-R) put in place by the European Commission in 2018.
Action plans and self-assessment dossiers are regularly produced and expert visits are organized. Since its commitment to the process in 2012, the University of Namur has already submitted several dossiers and hosted several expert visits.
Audits are carried out with the help of all the players concerned : researchers, human resources and training managers, research managers, but also the various representative bodies of the three bodies (teaching, research and general services).
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2013 | HR Excellence in Research award
The University of Namur (still FUNDP) is committed to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code for the Recruitment of Researchers (CC). Based on a "Gap analysis" carried out in 2012, an HRS4R action plan for 2013-2016 is drawn up. The institution is awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" label in 2013, following validation of the action plan by the European Commission.

2016 | 1st self-evaluation
The University of Namur submits its first self-assessment of the actions carried out between 2013 and 2016 and submits its second HRS4R action plan for 2016-2019 to the European Commission.
The institution receives a favorable opinion from the external experts as well as recommendations to implement more articles of the Code and Charter. It continues to pursue its continuous improvement approach by carrying out the actions mentioned in the action plan.
2019 | Evaluation by external experts, site visit and OTM-R action plan
From 2019, the European Commission has invited European universities to sign up to the "OTM-R" strategy, which promotes Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment.
The University of Namur is submitting its review of actions carried out between 2016 and 2019 and its new HRS4R 2019-2021 action plan to the European Commission for evaluation. Drafted in consultation with the researchers and administrative staff concerned, this document deals with the HR procedures to be adapted to correspond to the Charter and Code. An on-site visit was planned for 2019, but will be postponed until 2020 following the health crisis.
2020 | On-site visit by external experts
The visit was due to take place in 2019 but has been postponed to October 2020 due to the health crisis. It finally took place virtually.
2024 | 2nd self-evaluation
In March 2024, the University of Namur submits its self-evaluation dossier establishing the progress made since 2020 and defining its next actions for the future.
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