"Transversal skills (soft skills) or social skills refer to the set of skills that a person applies outside the scientific and technical skills (hard skills) specific to their profession."

A minimum of 5 credits (or ECTS = European Credit Transfer System) must be acquired as part of your doctoral training (Course category). You will find here a list of courses offered at the University of Namur.

Catalog of training courses at the University of Namur

Midis de l'ADRE

These are aimed primarily at researchers. Average duration: 1h, between 1pm and 2pm, free registration, sandwiches offered.

SRH training catalog

For all staff. Average duration: 1 to 2 days. Free registration subject to your promoter's agreement.

Quality Midis

Open to all staff. Average duration: 1 hour, between 1 and 2 pm, free registration. These training courses introduce you to tools that can help you solve problems or make logical decisions.

Confluent des savoirs | "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes"

Scientific popularization exercise as part of training week in scientific popularization and communication...

Research institutes

Research institutes also offer training courses, seminars, congresses.... Information can be found on their respective websites.

Other training courses

Pôle Académique Namurois

Pôle Académique de Namur have decided to create an entrepreneurship awareness program to complement the offering in the Namur region. This program is supported by Sowalfin's "Générations entreprenantes" scheme.

More info on the PAN website

MOOCs to follow online

  • How to write a scientific article
  • Open science
  • Scientific integrity

All these courses and many more on the Fun Mooc website

Calculating the number of credits awarded for these courses

Credits for cross-disciplinary training courses must be validated by your support committee and by the doctoral orientation commission to which you belong. They are not automatically validated. In addition, the number of credits may be set in advance by the activity organizers.

Some examples (non-exhaustive list)

  • Language course: see number of credits awarded for the course
  • Language course + successful assessment: see number of credits awarded for the course + 1 ECTS
  • ADRE/Quality Lunch: 0.125 ECTS or 0.25 ECTS (1 or 2 hours) and 0.5 ECTS (half a day)
  • Ma thèse en 180 secondes: 3 ECTS
  • Publication workshop: 1 ECTS/day
  • Training courses offered by UNamur's SRH: to be seen on a case-by-case basis

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