One of the major assets of universities today is to be able to give students the opportunity to pursue part of their curriculum abroad and benefit from a mobility grant.

Mobility programs

Students can take part in mobility programs for training purposes (internship mobility) or for study purposes (course mobility).

Various mobility programs exist:

  • The Erasmus+ program, which funds mobility to European Union member countries, to third countries associated with the program (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey) and, to some extent, to third countries not associated with the program.
  • The Erasmus Belgica program, which finances mobility between Belgium's three communities.
  • The FAMES program (Fonds d'aide à la mobilité dans l'enseignement supérieur - formerly Fonds d'aide à la mobilité étudiante - FAME), which steps in to finance mobility to destinations outside Europe.
  • The Swiss Federal Government's SEMP program (Swiss-European Mobility Programme), which uses its own funds to finance student exchanges for study purposes to and from its universities.

To find out about the mobility opportunities available for each study program, you are invited to consult the pages dedicated to the international mobility at your faculty and contact the faculty managers.

To find out more about your rights and obligations as an Erasmus participant, please read the Student Erasmus Charter.


Financing varies according to the destination and the status of the student or recent graduate. "Mobility assistance grant" opportunities are available here.

Which type of mobility for which program?

Find out more about practical details


Selection calendar

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Mobility for all

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Insurance and visa

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Green mobility

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Note conversion

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