These conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to all products sold and/or services provided by A.S.B.L. Université de Namur.

Article 1: Subject

These general terms and conditions of invoicing apply, without restriction or reservation, to all products sold and/or services provided by A.S.B.L. Université de Namur.

By agreeing to contract with A.S.B.L. Université de Namur, the customer expressly accepts these terms and conditions and waives the right to invoke any of its own general or special terms and conditions that may appear on its letters, order forms or other documents, unless expressly waived in writing by A.S.B.L. Université de Namur.

These conditions can be accessed at any time on this site, but are also available on request.

The University reserves the right to change or modify its general conditions inter alia to comply with legal provisions without personally notifying the customer and without the latter being able to claim any compensation whatsoever. It is therefore the customer's responsibility to check periodically whether any changes have been made.

By placing an order, the customer is deemed to have read these general terms and conditions.

In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid by virtue of any present or future legal or regulatory provision, or by virtue of a res judicata decision issued by a court or competent body, only the provision deemed unwritten shall lose its effect, all other provisions of these terms and conditions retaining their binding force.

The temporary or definitive inapplicability of one or more provisions of the present conditions by the University of Namur shall not constitute a waiver on its part of the other clauses, which shall continue to produce their effects.

Article 2 : Price

The prices indicated on the invoice are in Euros (€) with the application of the VAT system in accordance with the regulatory provisions applicable to the University in this matter.

Any new taxes imposed between the time of the order and the time of invoicing will be charged to the purchaser.

Article 3 : Terms of payment

The full amount of the invoice is to be paid into the A.S.B.L. Université de Namur bank account indicated on the invoice, quoting the references shown on the invoice. The invoice is payable on the due date indicated on the invoice or, failing this, within 30 days of the invoice date. No withholding of payment, nor any modification, may be made by the customer for any reason whatsoever.

After the payment deadline indicated on the invoice or, failing this, the 30-day deadline, any invoice that is wholly or partially unpaid will produce, ipso jure and without formal notice, interest calculated on the basis of the rate provided for in the law of August 2, 2002 concerning the fight against late payment in commercial transactions.

Any invoice unpaid on the due date will, in addition, be increased, ipso jure and without formal notice, by a fixed and irreducible indemnity of 15% of the amount remaining unpaid with a minimum of €50 per invoice.

L'A.S.B.L. Université de Namur also reserves the right to claim, in addition to this fixed amount, reasonable compensation for all other collection costs in excess of the said fixed amount and incurred as a result of late payment, including procedural compensation in accordance with the rules laid down by the Judicial Code.

Article 4: Complaint

Any dispute relating to an invoice must be made exclusively by e-mail to the following address, within 15 calendar days of the invoice being sent. After this period, the invoice is considered to have been definitively accepted by the customer, and no further dispute may be taken into consideration.

Article 5: Applicable law and territorial jurisdiction

In the event of a dispute, Belgian law shall apply exclusively, and the courts of the judicial district of Namur shall have sole jurisdiction.