The Cellule Médico-Psychologique (CMP) offers psychological consultations or (re)orientation. It offers a range of services to ensure that every student has the best possible study experience: stress management support, awareness-raising and discussion workshops on mental health-related topics, and a discussion on the importance of risk reduction in festive environments. It also provides support for students with special needs or disabilities. All services are free of charge.

Psychological consultations

Psychologists offer support (short or long term depending on needs), to any student who is experiencing difficulties (emotional, personal, relational, family or academic, ...) and who wishes to be supported in a process of change, towards more well-being.

Appointment booking:

Medical consultations

General practitioners are available to students without appointment at an office on campus, rue Bruno, 7, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. The consultation is free of charge for students registered with UNamur.

Outside the office hours, you can make an appointment, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm, via the medical secretariat on 0495/57.11.14 of Drs Mabille Floriane and Contor Victoire.

Emergency service outside UNamur: 1733 (medical on-call) and 112 (emergencies)

Orientation and reorientation

Rhetoricians and university students can be coached free of charge by one of our psychologists in the construction of their career plans and choice of studies (generally between 1 and 3 interviews). The clinical interview and the use of various tools will help the young person to better define his or her motivations, interests, values and skills, in order to highlight the careers and training likely to be of interest to him or her. The student is then encouraged to explore the world of training and work (open courses, meetings with professionals, internships, etc.) to fine-tune his or her choice of studies. If necessary, the psychologist then analyzes the information gathered in the field with the student.

Scheduling an appointment:

Stress management

  • Individual consultation

After an in-depth analysis of difficulties and what has already been tried to overcome them, the psychologist will suggest various personalized tools to better manage stress.

Appointment booking:

  • Meditation workshops

These workshops enable you to discover different techniques such as: guided meditation, breathing, stretching, self-massages. Practiced on a regular basis, these exercises help to better manage stress, get better sleep, develop concentration, self-confidence and self-awareness.

They take place every Wednesday from 1pm to 1:45pm at Nom de La Rose (starting 02 October 2024).

Contact: Caroline Dozot. Discover the workshops in video.

Awareness-raising workshops

The Cellule Médico-Psychologique organizes "Midis de la santé" throughout the academic year, in the form of workshops and information sessions in small groups, aimed at informing, raising awareness and exchanging views on health-related topics (such as self-confidence, stress and sleep management, alcohol consumption, sexuality, ....).sexual health, procrastination, emotions, ... She also conducts occasional actions on campus and publish on social networks to promote health during studies.

Support for students with special needs (EBS) - students with disabilities

The University of Namur advocates inclusive teaching. In this sense, it supports students who encounter long-term difficulties that may hinder their participation in teaching on an equal footing with other students. Difficulties can be: sensory disability, mobility disorder, disabling illness, mental health disorder, dyslexia, dysorthographia, dyscalculia, attention disorder, autism disorder,...

Harm reduction group

The mission of the university's Risk Reduction group is to support student actions that promote health on campus and help reduce risks in party environments.

Logo du groupe Réduction des Risques

Address and contact

Rue Bruno 7, B-5000 Namur


Medical consultations during office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Contact: 0495/57.11.17 (secretariat) outside office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Emergency numbers

If you're in a crisis situation and need urgent help, you can contact one of these services:

  • 112: medical emergency
  • 1733: medical on-call Monday to Friday 6pm to 8am and Friday 6pm to Monday 8am
  • Tele-accueil: 107 (24/7)
  • Centre de prévention du suicide: 0800/ 32 123 (24/7)
  • Un pass dans l'Impasse: 081/777 150
  • Centre de prise en charge des violences sexuelles (CPVS): 081/72 62 62 (24/7)