The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters invites you to study the productions of the human mind in search of meaning and values, taking care to restore works, documents and currents of thought in their context and evolution. A vast heritage to discover!

The studies

Do you have a curiosity for languages and works in their cultural and temporal diversity, as well as an interest in reflection and analysis? If so, the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities has something for you. Whether you're looking for a bachelor's degree, a specialized master's, a doctorate or continuing education, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters offers a wide range of courses, whatever your profile!

étudiants faculté philo et lettres


Research at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters is highly differentiated, and aims to take a fresh look at the cultural productions of yesterday and today. Scientific projects on a national and international scale make it one of the main pillars of the Faculty's influence in Belgium and abroad. With a view to maintaining contact with the teaching provided in the various sections of the faculty, research is developed above all at departmental level.

Professeur de philosophie et lettres

Service to society

Teachers and researchers at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters contribute to developing the cultural dynamism of the Cité. Through cultural activities, publications and training courses, but also through interventions on request, their work is regularly part of the economic and social context of civil society.

Lettres études


The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters is organized to manage its missions of teaching, research and service to society. It has services common to the entire faculty. It has 6 departments that reflect its diverse range of teaching, with a focus on yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Meet the Faculty's key players

More portraits
La Vie, c'est avant tout l'imprévu, puis l'adaptation en vue de progresser. La formation de l'intelligence et du cœur est une base essentielle pour en faire une réussite. Venez donc avec votre curiosité d'esprit, votre enthousiasme, votre volonté de faire aboutir votre projet.
Christophe Flament
Doyen de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres
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La passion de comprendre et de se comprendre dans le monde dans lequel nous vivons, en dialogue avec la tradition et toutes les dimensions de la culture, atteste la vocation d'ouverture de la philosophie à l'universel.
Sébastien Laoureux
Directeur du département de philosophie
See content

Faculty libraries

  • Philosophy
  • History
  • French and Romance languages and literatures
  • Germanic languages and literatures: Dutch Unit
  • Archaeology and art sciences

See the library portal of the University of Namur, which gives access to all publication directories.

Pedagogical Support Unit

The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters has a Pedagogical Support Unit (Cellule d'appui pédagogique - CAP) whose primary mission is to organize activities to help students (mainly Bac 1 students) succeed. It also manages (in part) the evaluation of teaching by students, and leads pedagogical reflection within the faculty.

Professeurs et élèves


La Faculté de philosophie et lettres vous accueille au cœur du campus namurois.