The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters has a Cellule d'appui pédagogique (CAP) whose primary mission is to organize aide à la réussite activities for students. These consist of: methodological workshops, applied to the requirements of the faculty's courses, particularly in terms of writing; mock exams and feedback sessions; (on request) personalized follow-up.

CAP workshops

The proposed activities largely consist of workshops organized at key times of the year, and aimed primarily at first-year students.

Examples of topics covered in CAP workshops:

  • How to reinforce your mastery of the French language
  • How to build your study tools
  • How to approach an exam question and interpret an instruction
  • How to construct an answer to an exam question
  • How to approach your very first blockade (co-hosted with 2nd and 3rd bacs students)

NB. Sessions on methodology for success (planning your work, optimizing memorization) are also offered by the University Pedagogy Service.

Course presentations

The CAP organizes and leads the weekly exercise sessions linked to the initiation to Latin language course, as well as most of the initiation to writing a scientific paper sessions.

She also coordinates the remediation activities imposed on certain student profiles (notably students who complete their first year with fewer than 30 credits acquired.).

Other CAP activities

The CAP also organizes or supervises:

  • preparatory courses. The CAP organizes the course session for future students, in partnership with the Service Info études.
  • the back-to-school tests. Formative assessments are organized at the start of the academic year to test students' prerequisites and refer them to reinforcement activities if necessary.
  • November tests. Mock exams are organized and marked to help students prepare for the January session.

Individualized support and inclusive teaching

The CAP offers students who so wish interviews,individual or in small groups, during which they can discuss their choice of studies, motivation, working methods or particular difficulties in an atmosphere of attentive, professional and confidential listening.

The CAP helps to draw up the individualized support plan (PAI) for special-needs students and to implement reasonable accommodations for them.

Pedagogical thinking

Finally, the CAP helps to lead pedagogical reflection within the faculty, by organizing or relaying information for teachers, assistants and didactic collaborators, and by monitoring course evaluation carried out by students.


Pedagogical Support Unit (CAP)

CAP Manager

Mathieu Minet