History explores the human past in all its complexity: populations, economies, political techniques, religions, ideologies, arts... It borrows from the human sciences the questions and methods that enable us to grasp correlations, detect genesis, in a word, understand the human adventure. History also looks to the future! To prepare for the future, you act today on the basis of your knowledge of the past!

Ils vous parlent d'histoire
The benefits of history at UNamur
- A creative approach to history training, based on an invitation to
- ask questions
- imagine strategies
- develop original personal research
- A training that is open to other humanities, on the past and present
- A critical, theoretical and practical training, with numerous exercises on period documents
- A mastery of written and oral expression
- An introduction to various analytical methods and IT tools.
The study program
Are you hesitating between history and art history and archaeology?
Two solutions are available to you.
A reorientation in the second year
No problem. The first block is common to both courses. So you can choose the program that suits you afterwards and reorient yourself.
A double degree in 4 years rather than 6
You want to study History AND Art History and Archaeology? You choose all your options in the other discipline and, for an extra year, you get a double degree in History AND History of Art and Archaeology.