Set out to discover the privileged subjects of the archaeologist and art historian, and discover the works of art and material witnesses of the past and present!

Training in art history and archaeology teaches you to identify all artistic and technical achievements, from their origins to the present day, to place them in context, to study the evolution of forms and their socio-cultural, political, economic, religious and aesthetic significance.

They tell you about art history and archaeology

More portraits
Today, I take a different look at the heritage that surrounds me.
Manon Gossuin
Art history and archaeology student
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I really like the very practical side of the training, but also the field studies, museum visits and study trips.
Eva Barvaux
Student ambassador in art history and archaeology
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The strengths of art history and archaeology at UNamur

  • a unique field immersion scheme: on-site seminars, museum visits and excavation internships;
  • a comprehensive course of study covering all the major fields and periods of art history and archaeology;
  • a fair balance between theoretical courses and personal work;
  • a Bachelor's 1st block program common between "History "and "Art History and Archaeology";
  • the possibility of obtaining a double degree "History - Art History and Archaeology" in just 4 years with the unique "double bachelor's degree".

The curriculum

Section - Histoire de l'art et archéologie

Bachelor's degree in art history and archaeology

Discover the program for the first three bachelor years.

Are you hesitating between history and art history and archaeology?

There are two solutions:

A reorientation in the second year

No problem. The first block is common to both courses. So you can choose the program that suits you afterwards and reorient yourself.

A double degree in 4 years rather than 6

Want to study Art History and Archaeology AND History? You choose all your options in the other discipline and, for an extra year, you get a double degree in History AND Art History and Archaeology.

Master de spécialisation en expertise et gestion du patrimoine mobilier

Master de spécialisation en expertise et gestion du patrimoine mobilier

Unique en Belgique, ce master de spécialisation répond aux besoins sociétaux en matière de connaissance, de conservation et de gestion du patrimoine mobilier.


Study info

Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur

Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

Rue Grafé, 1 5000 Namur