Teaching and studying at the University of Namur means aiming for quality, professional insertion and excellence in research.

The University of Namur offers bachelor, master, master of specialization and doctorate training in the various teaching sectors. The quality of these various programs is recognized by Belgian and international experts from the Agence pour l'Évaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (AEQES). It is also confirmed on the job market, with the professional integration rate of Université de Namur graduates reaching 94%.

Doctoral thesis holders and renowned experts in their field, the professors feed their teaching with research conducted within the faculties and transdisciplinary institutes. Thanks to the PUNCH (Pédagogie Universitaire Namuroise en Changement) program, they benefit from the expertise of pedagogues and the experience of their colleagues to develop innovative teaching methods. In keeping with the University's Jesuit tradition, they are also committed to providing students with personalized support. In addition to the acquisition of disciplinary skills, all professors at the University of Namur make it a priority to foster autonomy, active participation and success for each individual.


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Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur