The Ecole des Langues Vivantes (ELV) is an interfaculty department whose mission is to provide foreign language training for members of the university community. Our aim is to offer local, quality teaching, responding to the academic and professional needs of our learners.

Innovative teaching methods

Offering an active and ambitious pedagogy is a priority for ELV teachers. Drawing on our experience in various fields related to education, we design innovative pedagogical projects through stimulating, meaningful activities.

prépa informations pratiques

The projects

The ELV aims to position its professional practice at a high level of quality and ensures research in didactics of languages for specific purposes in order to nurture innovative teaching that meets the needs of the academic community and society.

Aides à la réussite - Philosophie

Extra-academic activities

As part of or in addition to classes, ELV teachers organize various extra-academic activities with the aim of offering students additional practice opportunities but also promoting the languages taught as well as their culture.

Concours d'entrée en médecine


Management, secretariat and teachers' offices
Rue Joseph Grafé, 1
6th floor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
5000 Namur

+32 (0)81 72 40 18