Founded in 1831, the University of Namur's mission is teaching, research and community service. Every year, it welcomes more than 7200 students of nearly 70 different nationalities. Numerous job opportunities are available to ensure the various missions of the Faculties, Research Institutes, Technology Platforms and General Services of the Institution.
A job at UNamur?
You can consult job offers (academic, scientific, administrative, technical and management staff) on the Jobs platform.
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The Employment Unit: serving talent
A student or graduate of the University of Namur? The Cellule Emploi accompanies you throughout your professional career.
Employers? The Cellule Emploi helps you recruit University of Namur graduates.

Recruitment policy
Human Resources management policy is based on respect for equal rights and equal treatment for all. This diversity is based on a number of factors: gender, disability, origin, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, etc. The University of Namur is also a signatory to the SPW's diversity charter.
With EURAXESS, UNamur has also committed to the European Charter for Researchers and the OTM-R policy.

Any questions?
Contact :
Human Resources Department - Rue de Bruxelles, 61 - 5000 Namur