From project set-up to commercialization, including training, intellectual property management, technology transfer and incubation of results or strategic, administrative and legal support, the Research Administration (ADRE) team is at the service of researchers. A genuine link between researchers and companies, scientific advisors support the valorization of research results, particularly in spin-off, start-up or licensing projects.
Services for researchers
The ADRE team provides useful tools for researchers. Financing Advisors support researchers in drawing up a project or a bid for a public contract. Scientific Advisors support researchers in valorizing their research results. Legal support and a Business Developer guide them in their spin-off, start-up or licensing projects.

Corporate services
Companies, administrations and organizations wishing to obtain information or consider collaborations with the university are invited to contact the Research Administration. Find out about opportunities for partnerships, sponsorships, technology transfer or our skills offerings.

Current projects
External funding for research projects at the University of Namur accounts for almost two-thirds of total funding for Namur research projects. Find all projects on the Research Portal... Many research projects are made possible thanks to our regional, community, federal and European funders.

The MIRVALIS project
As part of the first call of the 2021-2027 programming period, the ADREs of the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, gathered within the LIEU network, have received support from the ERDF and Wallonia for a project entitled MIse en Réseau de la VALorisation de l'Innovation Stratégique (MIRVALIS).

Spin-offs from the University of Namur
Spin-offs are companies set up downstream of academic research to exploit the know-how and results of research. They make a concrete contribution to job creation and economic growth. To date, the University of Namur has created 22 spin-offs, 16 of which are still in operation.