The University of Namur awards honorary doctorates every year, alternating with one of its seven faculties. Each honored personality, through his or her career, meets the vision and values defended by the university.

Honorary Doctors 2024

DHC 2024

In 2024, the theme "Honor the Heralds" has been chosen to honor four committed personalities who through their art, profession, or vocation, in the manner of those heroic messengers of the Middle Ages, carry loudly the voice of those denied a voice.

"It is by allowing ourselves to be inspired by our new honorary doctors, and by submitting ourselves without complacency to criticism, that we wish to continue our progress towards ever greater responsibility, in the service of social and environmental justice" - Annick Castiaux, Rector of UNamur.

The insignia of Doctorates Honoris Causa were awarded at the official academic commencement ceremony on September 30, 2024.

Father Pedro, a lifetime of commitment to the underprivileged

Animated by a desire to help the most disadvantaged, Father Pedro Opeka, a Lazarist priest, devotes his life to improving the living conditions of marginalized populations in Madagascar. A strong humanitarian commitment that has taken concrete form with the creation of the "Akamasoa" association.

Sponsor: Géraldine Mathieu, Professor of Family Law and Youth Law

Sponsor: Laurent Ravez, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics

Le Père Pedro Opeka

Bob Rugurika: fighting for freedom of expression

Bob Rugurika is a Burundian journalist and director of Radio Publique Africaine (RPA), a private radio station renowned for its human rights reporting. He has become a symbol of freedom of expression in Burundi.

Sponsor: Anne-Sophie Collard, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences, Professor of Communications

Sponsor: Jean-Marie Baland, Professor and Director of the Department of Economics

Bob Rugurika

Bouli Lanners

At 59, Philippe Lanners, the man everyone calls "Bouli", is an emblematic figure of Belgian cinema, shining far beyond our borders. Director, screenwriter and actor, he has made a name for himself through his talent and social commitment. His career has been marked by a profound humanity and a strong commitment to various societal issues such as the environment, agriculture, health or social security.

Bouli Lanners

Zeina Abirached

Zeina Abirached is an illustrator and comic strip artist. Born in Beirut, she grew up at the heart of the Lebanese civil war. An influential childhood that would become a source of inspiration for her work.

She studied graphic design at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts before moving to Paris in 2004. There, she studied animation at the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs. In 2006, she began to tell the story of her experiences as a child during the war in her first two albums, "(Beirut) Catharsis" and "38, rue Youssef Semaani".

Zeina Abirached 

Docteurs Honoris Causa 2021

Visuel des invitations aux DHC 2021

En 2021, c’est la thématique « Deep impact » qui a été retenue pour mettre à l’honneur quatre personnalités engagées :

  • Gaël Giraud, économiste et père jésuite
  • Ilham Kadri, CEO du groupe Solvay
  • Sebastião Salgado, économiste brésilien
  • Carola Rackete, militante et activiste allemande

Docteurs Honoris Causa 2018

Visuel des DHC 20185

En octobre 2018, l’Université de Namur a décerné les insignes de Doctor Honoris Causa à Juliana Rotich, à Josef Schovanec, ainsi qu’au Collectif Citoyens Solidaires Namur et à BXL Refugees sur le thème de « L’intelligence est collective ».

Docteurs Honoris Causa 2016

DHC 2016

En 2016, sous la thématique "Demain", les titres de Docteur Honoris Causa ont été remis à Rob Hopkins, fondateur du Mouvement de la transition, à Cyril Dion et à Mélanie Laurent, réalisateurs du film Demain.

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