"Univers 2025", the University's strategic plan, defined in 2021 by the Rectoral Council, is built around 5 major objectives translated into a series of concrete actions.
A vision for the future
The aim of this plan is to define a vision for the future, to be translated into actions and commitments, and to respond to a number of growing expectations, both internally and with regard to multiple external players, in terms of teaching, pedagogical support for students, but also in terms of research projects and impact in the face of the needs of our current and future society. The university cannot tackle these issues alone. It is by working in close partnership with the players in its immediate environment (the academic cluster, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the socio-economic ecosystem of Namur and Wallonia) that it can best guarantee the relevance and meaning of its missions at local level. And it is by further developing its international collaborations that it will maintain its level of excellence and its contribution to global challenges.
The 5 objectives of the strategic plan

Developing the university
Through the following 4 levels, develop the university while preserving its identity.
A sustainable campus
Targeting a sustainable campus, both in content and form.
Guaranteeing well-being
Guaranteeing well-being at work and at school.
Enhancing international visibility
Enhancing visibility through quality teaching and research.
User-centric computing
Building user-centric IT.
A participatory approach
Univers 2025 is a strategic plan that provides a vision of the future, but it is also, and above all, an iterative and participative process across the entire institution, defining priorities and outlining ambitions. It will evolve over time, in line with new needs and challenges. For 2025 and beyond.
The main thrusts of the vision set out by the rector-elect were presented to the Annual General Meeting. Based on this vision, work was carried out by the rectoral team, in collaboration with the deans, directors of services and administration, presidents of institutes, students of the General Assembly of Students (AGE), presidents of corps councils, so as to concretize the vision in strategic objectives and actions. The participatory dynamics at work since September 2021 and the strategic objectives are presented and illustrated with a few key actions chosen from the set of actions initiated. Key performance indicators ("KPIs") will be associated with these objectives. These indicators will be used to track the university's progress towards its strategic objectives. The university community has been, and will continue to be, involved in the university's change process.
A responsible, different, enthusiastic university
A university that...
- positions itself resolutely in the landscape of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, with a clear, shared and recognized identity, offering ambitious and meaningful training courses, continuing to develop cutting-edge research, and pursuing its internationalization in line with its specific features;
- develops, thanks to this clear and ambitious positioning, by being increasingly attractive to students, to researchers, to staff members ;
- cultivates a culture of proximity and quality of life on campus, by promoting clear and transparent communication, recognizing the role and missions of everyone within the institution, rebuilding links between everyone, energizing the campus to offer students and staff members a unique and enriching experience ;
- develops operations, tools and information systems that contribute to the efficiency of its organization, enable swift decisions and reinforce expenditure control;
- is innovative, in its teaching and research missions, supporting emerging and creative projects, as well as in the way it transfers knowledge to society;
- draws lessons from the health crisis to integrate them into its ambitions for development, proximity, efficiency and innovation.