As an institution for the creation and transmission of knowledge, the whole dynamic of the university rests on the investment and participation of human beings, whose well-being and safety must be an absolute priority.
5 key actions for this objective
- Concretization of the PHARE scheme, a one-stop shop for listening to and supporting victims of harassment.
- Offer of dishes at 3.5 euros for students to address the growing precariousness of the student population.
- Development of a safety culture thanks to a functional prevention service at the service of all the university's entities.
- Development of a crisis management plan and an internal emergency plan.
- A proper status for everyone.
The achievements
Gender and diversity policy and collaborations with equality actors
- Specialization Master's degree in gender studies: this training in gender studies pools the expertise of the six universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in this field, creating or federating specific and original teaching units.
- Participation in the Women and Science Committee
- Participation in the Guide d'accompagnement pour l'inclusion des personnes trans dans l'enseignement supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles edited by ARES and the Direction de l'égalité des chances du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
- Participation in the European UniSAFE project and organization of the closing event in the form of a major international event at UNamur
- Collaboration with the CHEFF
- Collaboration with the City, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Namur police, collaboration with the CPAS services of the City of Namur and the Social Cohesion Service on discrimination issues.
- Collaboration with the City of Namur platform "Namur'elles"
- Editing a brochure "politique sportive"
For staff members
- New division of the HR component between the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Cécile de Terwangne and the General Administrator, Valérie Daenen.
- Reinforcement of the Prevention Service (SerP) team
- Hiring of two new prevention consultants
- Hiring of a prevention consultant specializing in psycho-social aspects (advice to employer and workers on well-being at work) - contact:
- Creation of a community of trusted individuals within UNamur
- Strengthening of the training offer for internal UNamur members (restricted access to the catalog on the intranet)
- Collaboration with CESI (Centre externe de prévention) for training courses on burnout, management of physical and verbal aggression...
- Creation of training courses on the notion of discrimination
- HR Excellence in Research - Integration of representatives from the various academic, scientific and ATG (administrative, technical and management staff) bodies into the EURAXESS steering committee.
- Creation of awareness-raising articles (intranet) on topics related to well-being at work during mental health week (October 2023)
- Work burnout in all its facets
- Neurodiversity at work
- Emotional intelligence, the world of Care Bears?
- Breaking with loneliness at work
- Private life-pro life reconciliation, myth or reality?
For researchers
- Doctoral supervision
- Portail doctorants : strengthening support and information for researchers
- Well-being-at-work discussion group for PhD students and assistants.
For male and female students
- Implementation of the PHARE plan, fight against moral and sexual harassment and aggression towards students
- Creation of training courses on the notion of discrimination for students
- Publication of the cadastre of success support tools
- Creation of a working group on "how to help menstruating people among our students"
- Development of the services of the Cellule médico-psychologique
- Special Needs Student Support (SNSS)
- Psychological consultations
- Stress management consultations
- Relaxation workshops
- "Inclusive teaching" brochure for teachers
- Group set-up Risk Reduction (RdR)
- Setting up healthy mornings