The General Administrator oversees the good financial and budgetary management as well as the management of movable and real estate assets.

In close collaboration with the Rector :

  • She participates as a full member of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly
  • She contributes to the Board's political reflection and supports this reflection with an analysis of the university's options in financial, budgetary, human resources, technical, and campus development matters, including their operational aspects
  • She draws up preliminary budget proposals and presents the institution's accounts
  • She is the main interface between the directives of the Rector's Council and the administrative departments
  • She is the contact person for the deans on budgetary and financial matters
  • She coordinates all the institution's departments and, in this capacity, chairs the Management Board. She ensures administrative consistency within the institution
  • In financial matters, in consultation with the Rector, she represents the Université de Namur in inter-university consultation bodies on funding matters and vis-à-vis other bodies


Valérie DAENEN

Managing Director


Secrétariat de l’Administratrice générale


Rue de Bruxelles, 61 - 5000 Namur

Office :
Rue de Bruxelles, 69, 2nd floor - 5000 Namur