The University of Namur places particular importance on the cultural development of its students. The university's cultural policy aims to make cultural activities educational, by integrating them into the institution's educational foundation. It focuses on stimulating artistic creativity, challenging norms, strengthening community ties, celebrating diversity, supporting committed students, promoting gender equality and enriching education through global culture.

Cultural values

They complement and are in line with the University of Namur's overall values of openness, excellence, sustainability and freedom, where the Human is placed at the heart of priorities, insisting on respect for the cultural rights of each individual and equitable access to culture.

These values will form the basis of an educational culture, contributing to the emancipation of all, rooted in the local area and involving students. They will make up UNamur's cultural identity, guide initiatives and be conveyed during the various activities organized at the university.

  1. Audace: an innovative, creative and original culture that thinks outside the box.
  2. Happiness: a culture that is a source of joy, happiness, and fulfillment for students and members of the university community.
  3. Cohesion: a culture and cultural activities that bring people together and foster cooperation and inclusiveness. A culture that creates links and solidarity.
  4. Engagement: a culture that encourages interaction and active participation by students and members of the university community.
  5. Integrity : a culture in line with the university's values and cultural policy. A culture that is organized in respect and transmission.
  6. Liberty: a culture and cultural activities conducive to openness, sharing ideas and opinions based on listening and exchange.

Le Quai 22 - UNamur cultural center

Quai 22 is a cultural space at the heart of the campus, hosting theater, cinema, lectures, debates, music and the visual arts. More than a dozen cultural workshops are organized on campus: language courses, artistic workshops (photography, music, theater, ...). Further information can be found in the brochure on the cultural policy of the University of Namur.

It is also possible to organize an event at Quai 22.

Le Quai 22 de l'UNamur

Cultural workshops

Each year, a program of cultural activities open to all, students, non-students and external audiences alike: language courses (English, Spanish, Japanese, Russian), literature and culture, workshops in artistic practices (photography, music, theater...).

Grande Conférence Namuroise avec Douglas Kennedy

Les Grandes Conférences Namuroises

Each year, several public figures are invited by the University of Namur to the Grandes Conférences Namuroises.



Gestion Quai 22 - Communication Administration

Alice ZUNE

Cultural workshops


Pier 22

Rue du Séminaire, 22 - 5000 Namur