Informatics at the service of collective well-being and personal development.
The Faculty of Informatics has a vision of a world in which the intensive and growing use of informatics is oriented towards collective well-being and personal development. Its mission is to contribute to this orientation through education, scientific research and service to society.
The studies
When you choose to study computer science, you're guaranteed immediate access to an exciting, multi-faceted career. Through a comprehensive range of courses - bachelor's, master's, specialization master's and doctorate - the Faculty of Computer Science offers you quality training based on scientific rigor and critical thinking, while emphasizing interdisciplinarity and societal responsibility.
The mission of the Faculty of Computer Science is to ensure cutting-edge scientific research, open to the creation and integration of knowledge that feeds teaching, technological innovation and societal debate.
Service to society
The Faculty of Computer Science contributes to the development of our social, economic, technological and political environment by disseminating knowledge and providing advice at regional, national and international levels. Through the synergy between researchers and industry, and by making knowledge and know-how available, it participates in numerous missions of service to society.
The Faculty of Computer Science's international outlook is fundamental to the development of its teaching and research activities.
The Faculty of Computer Science has organized itself to manage its missions in the best possible way. It has around a hundred members at the service of teaching, research and service to society.
A word from the Dean
A series of events and players revolve around the Faculty of Computer Science.