Informatics at the service of collective well-being and personal development.
The Faculty of Informatics has a vision of a world in which the intensive and growing use of informatics is oriented towards collective well-being and personal development. Its mission is to contribute to this orientation through education, scientific research and service to society.
The studies
When you choose to study computer science, you're guaranteed immediate access to an exciting, multi-faceted career. Through a comprehensive range of courses - bachelor's, master's, specialization master's and doctorate - the Faculty of Computer Science offers you quality training based on scientific rigor and critical thinking, while emphasizing interdisciplinarity and societal responsibility.

The mission of the Faculty of Computer Science is to ensure cutting-edge scientific research, open to the creation and integration of knowledge that feeds teaching, technological innovation and societal debate.

Service to society
The Faculty of Computer Science contributes to the development of our social, economic, technological and political environment by disseminating knowledge and providing advice at regional, national and international levels. Through the synergy between researchers and industry, and by making knowledge and know-how available, it participates in numerous missions of service to society.

The Faculty of Computer Science's international outlook is fundamental to the development of its teaching and research activities.

The Faculty of Computer Science has organized itself to manage its missions in the best possible way. It has around a hundred members at the service of teaching, research and service to society.
A word from the Dean
We want to give everyone access to this quality training! With your enthusiasm, talent and hard work, you'll define tomorrow's success. We look forward to working with each and every one of you.

A series of events and players revolve around the Faculty of Computer Science.

Spring open courses
7 days to discover the daily life of students
During the secondary school vacations, UNamur opens the doors of its auditoriums for you to live a few hours or a few days with students, attend classes (over 300 hours available), take part in practical work, meet professors and explore the city and campus.

In practice
Who are open courses for?
Open courses are open to all, although they are primarily aimed at secondary school students to help them take that first step in exploring higher education.
What is the schedule for open courses?
Courses are open from February 27 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 08:30 to 16:30.
To find out the precise timetable and location of each course, please visit the Info études service (Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur), 15 minutes before the start of the course.
The provisional program is available 15 days before the start of open courses.
How to meet a guidance counselor
You have the opportunity to meet a guidance counselor at the guidance workshop scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm.
The aim of this workshop is to help you think about the guidance process, gain a better understanding of the higher education landscape and define the main markers in the process of clarifying your project (educational and professional).
Our advisor is also available by appointment for a one-to-one meeting throughout the week of open courses and outside of it.
Do you have to register to take part?
Access to open courses is without prior registration.
To participate in the orientation workshop, however, online registration is mandatory and will be available some ten days before the start of the open courses.
Who organizes the open courses?
Open courses are organized by Info études, the service that provides information on all matters relating to choice of studies, prerequisites, reorientation, gateways, course curricula, job opportunities, additional training, recognition of prior learning... or any general questions about university life in Namur.
Spring Open House
Discover the University of Namur: a day of exploration, exchange and inspiration

Save the date!
The next UNamur Open House will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 1pm to 5pm.
Save this date in your diary already!!
On the program
- Inspiring encounters: chat with our professors, assistants and students.
- Immersive tours: explore our auditoriums, classrooms and laboratories.
- Valuable information: get answers to all your questions about our programs and the specifics of studying in Namur.
- Practical resources: discover all the services available to support you before, during and after your studies.
Stay tuned!The detailed afternoon program will be available some ten days before the event.
Can't join us?
No worries! A second open house is scheduled for Saturday, June 28, 2025, from 1pm to 5pm.
Summer open house
A day to prepare for tomorrow before enjoying summer

Save the date!
On Saturday June 28, 2025, from 1pm to 5pm, UNamur once again opens its doors to you before the summer vacations.
At the program
Professors, assistants, students and staff members look forward to welcoming you to
- answer all your questions about your future studies;
- share with you their experience of university life and its many opportunities for fulfillment;
- guide you through your final practical steps: registration, preparatory courses, finding accommodation, financial aid and more.
Forthcoming information
The afternoon's detailed program will be available some ten days before the event.