Organized since 1929, medical education, initially limited to the first year, was completed in 1962 with the opening of the 2nd and 3rd years. Since 1962, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Namur has trained thousands of doctors who can be found in every region of the country and internationally. Research is also an essential pillar of the Faculty and its departments. Finally, service to society touches on several important aspects.

The studies

The Faculty of Medicine's teaching mission is to train students in disease mechanisms and the search for as yet unknown or imprecise mechanisms, to familiarize them with diagnostic approaches and their refinement, as well as treatments and their improvements, without ever forgetting the psychological and social dimension. Proximity and high standards are two key words that condition these missions.

Medecine études


The Faculty of Medicine relies on research activities ranging from fundamental approaches to clinical studies to support and keep its teaching up to date.

Etudiant avec professeur pharmacie

Service to society

Among the orientations of service to society, the Faculty of Medicine contributes in particular to development cooperation in projects with Africa and Asia. It has experience in the field of disability, and collaborates on paramedical training courses at Namur's Hautes Écoles, as well as with medical institutions located in the province and region.

Etudiant médecine générale service société


The organization of the Faculty of Medicine is based on four departments: medicine, pharmacy, biomedical sciences and psychology.

A word from the Dean

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Chers étudiants, j'espère que vous vous retrouverez dans nos valeurs fondamentales : exigence, convivialité et respect. L'exigence est cruciale, car les métiers auxquels vous vous destinez demandent une grande charge de travail, une bonne résistance au stress et une grande prise de responsabilité. La convivialité est également importante, car elle favorise un bien-être mental essentiel pour réussir tant dans vos études que dans votre vie professionnelle. Enfin, le respect est une valeur primordiale. Bienvenue sur cette voie, chères étudiantes et étudiants !
Jean-Michel Dogné
Doyen de la Faculté de médecine
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