General practice is a clinical specialty oriented towards primary care, with its own distinctive features: a varied activity embracing all fields of medicine, a comprehensive and longitudinal approach, focused on the individual at any age, and intervening at an early and undifferentiated stage in the development of disease. General practitioners are the central players in their patients' health, establishing a lasting and privileged relationship of trust with them.
A first approach to general medicine through an internship in the 3rd year of a bachelor's degree
The student accompanies a GP in the field for 3 weeks. This internship is the first opportunity for him/her to establish contact with a patient and demonstrate listening skills, put professional secrecy into practice, appreciate how theoretical knowledge is put into practice and apply certain basic procedures, but also reflect on his/her future personal medical practice.
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Master of Specialization in General Medicine at UNamur
After 100 years of teaching medicine, since October 2024 the University of Namur has been offering students the opportunity to specialize in general medicine on the Namur campus. This is a unique opportunity to continue their studies at a Faculty that makes proximity and quality teaching its watchwords.
The advantages of a Specialized Master's degree at UNamur

A joint degree with UCLouvain
to unite the strengths and expertise of our two universities.
Raising awareness of general medicine in rural areas
and its specific features: intensity of the doctor-patient relationship, more frequent technical procedures, less use of emergency rooms...
Active teaching, including healthcare simulation
by immersion in simulated situations as close as possible to practical reality.
Mentoring by an experienced doctor
from the choice of the student, who is careful to prepare him effectively for his future profession, while remaining attentive to the balance between his professional and private life.
Becoming a training supervisor for an assistant in general medicine
Discover the 3 conditions for becoming a training supervisor for a general practice assistant.
Maintaining your accreditation as a training supervisor
Participate in training sessions for internship supervisors.
Create your Fordoc account and register for training
Discover the procedure for creating your Fordoc account to register for training and download certificates.
University Observatory of Rural Medicine (OUMRu)
Medical shortages are a major public health issue in rural areas. The Observatory's mission is to gain a better understanding of the dwindling supply of general practitioners, particularly in shortage areas in Wallonia, and to identify realistic and concrete avenues for solutions by giving a voice to those working in the field.

Information session: the Master of Specialization in General Medicine
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7pm
Join us distance for an information session specific to the Master of Specialization in General Medicine at UNamur.