Health is your most precious asset.
To cope with pain and illness, you regularly turn to medication. Natural, synthetic, biosynthetic remedies... the choice is vast. Your pharmacist, a medication specialist, can advise you.
You're familiar with the dispensing pharmacist, but pharmacy graduates can perform many other activities to help improve our health and quality of life.

They tell you about pharmaceutical sciences
The strengths of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Namur
Contact with the world of "pharma" from the 1st year
You have a clear vision of your studies from the outset, and of the many and varied realities of your future profession as a pharmacist.
A scientific and human training
You tackle the mechanisms of disease and its treatment without ever forgetting the human, psychological and social dimension.
More practice... less theory
Innovative teaching methods and a real limitation on the number of hours of theoretical lectures enable you to better integrate learning, particularly during practical and simulation training sessions.
Teachers from the world of healthcare
You are supervised by rigorous professionals from research, clinical and pharmaceutical activities, who offer you training at the cutting edge of knowledge.
"ERASMUS", an international experience
Early in Block 3, you can discover a new approach to teaching and enjoy a unique cultural and/or linguistic experience.