The Faculty of Medicine comprises 4 departments. It is managed by various advisory and decision-making bodies. It has services common to the entire faculty.

Faculty administration

The faculty is administered by the dean and vice-dean.

This administration benefits from common services, an academic and administrative secretariat, as well as official consultation and decision-making bodies:

  • the Faculty Council, which defines faculty policy
  • the Faculty Office, which prepares the Faculty Council and assists the Dean in his duties
  • the Department Councils, which deal with any issue of interest to the department concerned
  • the Contact Commission, which regularly ensures consultation between students, via their delegates, and faculty representatives for the faculty's three orientations. This committee promotes mutual information.

A word from the Dean

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Chers étudiants, j'espère que vous vous retrouverez dans nos valeurs fondamentales : exigence, convivialité et respect. L'exigence est cruciale, car les métiers auxquels vous vous destinez demandent une grande charge de travail, une bonne résistance au stress et une grande prise de responsabilité. La convivialité est également importante, car elle favorise un bien-être mental essentiel pour réussir tant dans vos études que dans votre vie professionnelle. Enfin, le respect est une valeur primordiale. Bienvenue sur cette voie, chères étudiantes et étudiants !
Jean-Michel Dogné
Doyen de la Faculté de médecine
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Student participation

Interested students can play an active role in the bachelor's organization as delegates involved in:

  • The contact committee: settling and centralizing practical problems of faculty life as best as possible (organized at least 2 times during the academic year or on request)
  • The section group: settling and centralizing matters relating to teaching and assessments (organized at least 1 time during the academic year)

Per year of study, 2 or 3 course delegates are elected.

The role of the course delegate

  • is to act as a link between students, teachers, the faculty's administrative secretariat, the studies advisor and the pedagogical coordinator
  • report any administrative problems or difficulties that concern a majority of students to the administrative secretariat
  • report any pedagogical problems or difficulties to the pedagogical advisor
  • vehicle important departmental information
  • participate in contact committee and section group meetings

Being a course delegate requires a minimum of investment, but it doesn't represent an excessive workload!