The Assemblée Générale des Étudiants de l'Université de Namur (AGE) coordinates student representation and activities on campus. It supports, informs and represents students, and offers them numerous services as well as extra-academic activities. Among these, the AGE notably oversees the biggest events, such as the Bal des Bleus, Saint-Nicolas or the Fête de l'Université and the Bal des Busés.
The AGE is made up of an office for general coordination, as well as two councils. The President of the AGE composes the Bureau by bringing together a team of students committed to the benefit of all students at the University of Namur. The Bureau oversees the organization of major campus events, as well as numerous projects in collaboration with the University of Namur. The Student Council comprises 40 students elected in the various faculties, and is responsible for defending students' rights and representing them in the University's governing bodies. The Conseil de l'Animation, for its part, is made up of the heads of the various campus circles, regions and kots-à-projet.
Some AGE projects

Welcome Week
At the start of the school year in September, a salon "Sport, culture et kots-à-projet" is organized to showcase all campus activities. In 2023, an outdoor screening also took place at the Forum, bringing together over 500 students.
The AGE produces an annual agenda gathering essential information for students (sports, culture, aid, services, ...) not forgetting tools for getting organized. In 2023, 1000 agendas were distributed free in September.
The University Festival
With the return of spring, AGE is teaming up with the University of Namur to organize a day full of playful and awareness-raising activities: cuistax race, kots-à-projet and association village, zip-line, inflatable games, ...
Le Grand Quiz de l'UNamur
Since 2023, the AGE has been organizing one of the biggest cultural events on campus: an interactive quiz bringing together students, teachers and staff members around general culture, all in a festive and friendly atmosphere.
Le Bal des Bleus
An emblematic event at the start of the academic year, the Bal des Bleus brings together over 5000 students each year in the heart of the campus for a grand festive evening.
Le Bal des Busés
To end the year on a high note, numerous activities are organized the week after the June exams end, including the Bal des Busés which notably welcomed Mister Cover in 2022.
A lively, sustainable campus
In 2013, AGE launched a pilot phase using reusable cups. Since then, all student activities on campus use these reusable cups. Thanks to this management approach, student activities in Namur produce very little waste. Waste sorting awareness campaigns and clean walks are also organized, on the initiative of the AGE or various collectives (circles, kots-à-projet, ...).

Student Council (SC)
Each year, 40 students from the University's various faculties are elected as student representatives on the Student Council. They take part in debates, hold working groups (GT) on various themes, with the aim of representing the 7,000 students that make up the University of Namur.