In addition to the Assemblée Générale des Étudiants (AGE) and the Assemblée des Kots-à-Projets (AKàP), there are a number of other student-run organizations. As part of the University Community Life Department (Vécu), the Activities Department is responsible for the smooth running of the various activities organized and proposed by the activities collectives. It implements the procedures and regulations governing the organization of activities, and ensures that they are respected by the collectives, so as to ensure a smooth cohabitation between the activities of the Université de Namur and the extra-academic activities of students. It is also he who justifies, sets and enforces any sanctions that may fall to a collective or individual.

Circle Assembly

This assembly is made up of students who oversee and represent the faculty circles on the Namur campus.

The role of the Assembly of Circles (ADC) is to facilitate communication between the various bodies of the University of Namur and the circles, through meetings in which the president participates, so as to relay information more effectively. In addition, the assembly handles the allocation of bunkers during the year and collaborates with the General Assembly of Students (AGE) for the students' St. Nicholas Day event.

11 faculty circles

There are 11 faculty circles on campus: Bio, Biomed, Chigé²phy, Droit, Eco, Info, Math, Med, Pharma, Philo, and Vt.

Follow ADC: Facebook page / Instagram page.



Inter-Regional Council

This council is made up of students who oversee and represent the regionals on the Namur campus.

It is responsible for overseeing the smooth running of baptism activities (bleusailles) and in collaboration with the various regionals that they organize it. The inter-regional council (CIR) organizes several evenings throughout the year. Their flagship event is "L'Arsenal sous le feu des Régionales" during which each Regional presents its committee and the cultural and gastronomic traditions specific to its region.

At the University of Namur, you'll find 10 Régionales: Binchoise, Brabo, BW, Carolo, Chimacienne, Destuna, Liégeoise, Lux, Namuroise, RTM.

Follow CIR: Facebook page/ Instagram page.