The mission of the Risk Reduction group at the University of Namur is to support student actions that promote health on campus and help reduce risks in festive environments.
Active since 2017, the RdR puts student collectives with projects in touch with grassroots associations and members of staff from the Vie de la Communauté Universitaire (VéCU) department, favoring a horizontal partnership.
The RoR works with the idea that students are crucial partners in identifying their needs, designing effective actions and raising awareness among their peers.
In order to strengthen the quality of actions, the RoR provides a space for reflection and information exchange, supports the search for solutions and organizes training for students wishing to become peer educators.

As an example, RdR has supported student actions in the field of sexual, emotional and relational health (STI prevention and screening, consent, prevention of sexist/sexual violence), harm reduction linked to alcohol consumption, mental health, tinnitus prevention, ....
Vous êtes victime ou témoin d'une agression, de violence ou de harcèlement ? Retrouvez tous les contacts urgents dans la brochure ci-dessous. |
Need more info or want to join the RoR?
Group coordinator: