The University of Namur fights against gender discrimination by setting up the Gender group in 2011, then in 2013 by creating a Vice-Rector in charge of developing this policy. Within Annick Castiaux's rectoral team, François-Xavier Fiévez, Vice-Rector, is in charge of Diversity and Gender. The rectoral team intends to assert its determination to maintain voluntary and reasoned policies in this area.
Gender mainstreaming is a priority at the University of Namur to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities for success. All and all together, we intend to fight against discrimination, against phenomena such as the glass ceiling or the leaky pipe syndrome* seen everywhere in higher education establishments, through concrete actions.
*syndrome that induces the loss of girls and women as the curriculum or career progresses. In concrete terms, while they are in the majority in terms of enrolment and success at bachelor level, they are very much in the minority at doctoral level and in decision-making positions.
Corporate policies
In practice
PHARE device
At the heart of the University of Namur's action plan, a scheme called PHARE (Protection HARcèlement Etudiant) was officially inaugurated in September 2021. This makes it possible to report a situation of discomfort online and then, as a victim/target or witness student, to benefit from anonymous and confidential support in the steps to be taken, according to one's needs.
Exemplarity of the rectoral team
In 1953, the first female student joined FUNDP (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix). Sixty-eight years later, at the start of the 2021-2022 academic year, a woman will head the university for the first time. She is Annick Castiaux, our first female Rector. Knowing how important it is for girls and women to be able to hold on to role models to project themselves far into their careers, the appointment of Annick Castiaux as Rector proves to be an example of an inspiring career path.
As a PhD in physics, Annick Castiaux demonstrates that it is possible to occupy positions of power as a woman, but she also encourages girls and women, through her background, to undertake studies in the field of science and technology.
The Gender Committee
Since 2014, the University of Namur, like all French-speaking universities in Belgium and the F.R.S.-FNRS, has had a Gender Committee. The latter carries out three main missions covering all aspects relating to gender issues specific to its institution: informing, raising awareness and networking / being networked. Through these missions, it contributes to the implementation and development of gender policy within its institution. He/she follows the policy line defined by the vice-rectorate in charge of gender.