At the University of Namur, we've been pursuing a deliberate and reasoned gender policy for several years now. As early as 2011, a working group on this theme was set up. Since 2014, the University of Namur, like all French-speaking universities in Belgium and the F.R.S.-FNRS, has had a Gender Committee. This follows the policy line defined by the vice-rectorate in charge of gender.

The Gender Committee

Since 2014, the University of Namur, like all French-speaking universities in Belgium and the F.R.S.-FNRS, has had a Gender Committee. This committee has three main missions covering all aspects of gender issues specific to its institution: informing, raising awareness and networking. Through these, it contributes to the implementation and development of gender policy within its institution. He/she follows the policy line defined by the vice-rectorate in charge of gender.

Etudiants de l'UNamur


  1. Edit an annual report on the state of gender equality within the institution
  2. Provide greater visibility for gender issues within the institution, by advising the authorities of his/her institution on the policies to be pursued for greater equality of women and men, by informing and raising the awareness of the university community and its stakeholders, and by monitoring the implementation of the actions set out in the respective action plans
  3. Participate in institutional networks, regional, national and international networks related to gender issues
  4. Propose an action plan to increase gender equality within the institution


  • Jérémy Dodeigne - Jérémy Dodeigne is Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science (FSESG). He is also president of the Transitions research institute. As part of the institute's democratic transformations cluster, his research focuses in particular on women's political representation and changes in gender stereotypes in politics in European democracies (POLSTYLE project). Since 2021, he has been a member of the Commission genre en l'enseignement supérieur (CoGES) at ARES.
  • François-Xavier Fiévez - A graduate of the Université Catholique de Louvain, he carried out research in the "Women's studies" department on feminist readings of contemporary African-American authors. Maître en Didactique des Langues Etrangères at UNamur, he works on issues related to "Queering the English language classroom" (Paiz, 2020).
  • Julie Henry - Informatics researcher and STEAM project leader. Her work focuses, among other things, on gender stereotypes and their influence on career guidance, particularly with regard to STEM professions. She represents UNamur on the Women in Digital group (SPF - Economy).
  • Coline Leclercq - As Gender Contact Person (PCG) at the University of Namur, Coline Leclercq oversees the implementation of the university's commitments to promote gender equality within the university, whether in terms of the student community, staff members or the composition of decision-making bodies. She is also the contact person for the PHARE (Protection Harcèlement Etudiant) program. In this capacity, she welcomes and accompanies students who are victims or targets of harassment.
  • Romain Mertens - Assistant-doctoral student at UNamur's Faculty of Law. His research interests include non-discrimination law. He is a member of the Women and Science Committee.
  • Stéphanie Wattier - Full-time professor at UNamur's Faculty of Law, she teaches the "Law, Gender and Society" course. She is deputy director of the Centre Vulnérabilités et Sociétés. Stéphanie Wattier is a member of the Management Committee of the Specialized Master's Degree in Gender Studies and of the Women and Science Committee.


Coline Leclercq

Gender contact person (PCG)

François-Xavier Fiévez

Vice-Rector in charge of gender policy