The Transitions Institute aims to explore the different ways in which transitions are challenging and affecting nature and human societies in unprecedented ways, requiring a radical shift in our previous political, social and ethical patterns.
The Institute's research focuses on areas of critical importance such as the environment, economics, politics, mobility, law, justice, social cohesion, development, education, protection against vulnerability, etc.

The Transitions Institute promotes interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaborative research around themes rather than disciplines, through a combination of methods, concepts and theories.
Thanks to their nationally and internationally recognized expertise (F.R.S.-FNRS, European Union, Federal State, Walloon Region, etc.), the members of the Transitions Institute develop "fundamental" research projects but also "action research" projects in the service of society.

Taking into account the family situation of members of parliament: a major challenge for the future
Taking into account the family situation of members of parliament: a major challenge for the future
Reconciling family life and a political career in the European Parliament poses major challenges, particularly for MEPs with young children. This is demonstrated by Elena Frech, researcher at the University of Namur, in her recent research on work-life balance in European institutions.

According to Elena Frech, member of the Transitions and of the Department of Social Sciences, and Communication (Faculty EMCP), the lack of parenting Members of the European Parliament, and in particular mothers and young parents, has a direct impact on political decisions. "Parents see the world differently and, if there are fewer parents in the Parliament, this will inevitably affect policy and the decisions taken," she explains in an interview with EUobserver.
The researcher highlights the difficulties faced by MEPs in reconciling their mandate and family life. Between long working hours, travel between Strasbourg, Brussels and their constituencies, as well as the absence of formal parental leave, many elected representatives are forced to curtail or interrupt their political careers. "The absence of a parental leave policy, combined with a demanding schedule, has led some MPs not to stand for re-election in 2024," adds Elena Frech.
The European Parliament currently provides neither maternity nor paternity leave for its members. According to Elena Frech, this lack of official recognition of parental leave increases the pressure on parent MEPs. "Their party loses a vote, because parents on leave cannot be replaced for the vote. So the pressure to return is very strong" (EUobserver).
An essential debate for the future of European institutions
Elena Frech's research highlights a structural problem within the European institutions, which limits the diversity and representation of parents, particularly women, in the European Parliament. Her work raises a fundamental question: how can internal regulations be adapted to take better account of the reality of MEPs' families? A key issue for the future of European democracy.
Credits : the interview passages in this article are taken from an interview with Elena Frech conducted by EUobserver.
Source for EUobserver article : Bonneyrat, S. (2025).Is the EU Parliament still letting down female MEPs with children? EUobserver.
Find the scientific studies on which the EUobserver article is based:
Frech, Elena and Sophie Kopsch.2024. "Beyond Rhetoric: The European Parliament as a Workplace for Parents and Current Reform Debates", Politics and Governance 12.
Frech, Elena.2024. Mothers, parliamentarians, leaders: career factors influencing women's representation in the European Parliament - a case study of German parliamentarians.European Politics and Society, 1–19.

FNRS 2024 calls: Thinking about work after legal retirement age
FNRS 2024 calls: Thinking about work after legal retirement age
Nathalie Burnay, professor in the EMCP Faculty and member of the TRANSITIONS Institute, has just been awarded PDR funding from the F.R.S-FNRS for her BRIDGE-EXT project. In collaboration with the Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Lausanne, she will focus on the situations and reasons that contribute to the continuation of professional activity after the legal retirement age.

At a time when various governments are trying to get us to work until we're 67, some workers are continuing to work past the legal retirement age.
The BRIDGE-EXT project, funded by the PDR du F.R.S-FNRS, aims to gain a better understanding of these professional situations by questioning both the individual and relational reasons that contribute to continuing to work, but also the structural dynamics involved. It is for the latter reason that the researchers have developed a partnership with colleagues in French-speaking Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof. Valérie Hugentobler of the Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Lausanne (HETSL/HES-SO).
The interest of this collaboration lies in understanding post-retirement work according to differentiated political contexts where retirement systems are both fairly comparable, but also very different. How, then, are we to apprehend this work, which poses both the question of life choices and the constraints, particularly financial, that weigh on individuals today?
The research team will be made up of sociologists and anthropologists specializing in issues of aging at work. Amélie Pierre will be hired at UNamur to work on these issues, which are at the heart of current affairs.
Mini CV
Nathalie Burnay is a sociologist and full professor at the University of Namur (EMCP Faculty). For many years, she has been working on the analysis of end-of-career and ageing at work from a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. She approaches these issues from an analysis of social policies, changing working conditions and normative transformations in the contemporary world.

In recent years, her scientific horizons have opened up to questions related to transmissions, life courses and temporalities, as well as to the sociology of emotions.
She is also a member of the Institut TRANSITIONS - Pôle Transitions et âges de la vie. This cluster studies the way in which these life courses are recomposed according to new social constraints and normative imperatives. It focuses on the fragility of populations at all stages of life, and also on the repercussions of political measures and mechanisms on the construction of life courses. It brings together researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds who analyze both the normative transformations affecting life courses and life-age transitions.
FNRS, la liberté de chercher
Chaque année, le F.R.S.-FNRS lance des appels pour financer la recherche fondamentale. Il a mis en place une gamme d'outils permettant d’offrir à des chercheurs, porteurs d’un projet d’excellence, du personnel scientifique et technique, de l’équipement et des moyens de fonctionnement.

Prestigious FNRS MIS funding for Arthur Borriello
Prestigious FNRS MIS funding for Arthur Borriello
Arthur Borriello, professor in the EMCP Faculty and member of the TRANSITIONS Institute, has just been awarded a Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS), prestigious funding from the F.R.S-FNRS. Through a comparison of 4 countries, this research project aims to understand why and how social democratic parties have adapted to the socio-political changes of the last ten years. Explanations.

Over the past decade, the European political landscape has undergone major upheavals, with the collapse of certain parties, the emergence of new players and a fragmentation of the political offering. The consequences? An increase in abstention, greater electoral volatility and more unpredictable results. Against this backdrop, the social-democratic parties, emblems of the mass parties of the second half of the twentieth century now in difficulty, have found themselves facing competition from new players (new center parties, far-right formations, and left-wing populist parties).
This project aims to answer the following question: How have "old school " social-democratic parties adapted in the face of new competition? Did they seek to respond to the ideological and organizational innovations of the new parties?
If we look back 10 years, we see that social democratic parties suffered marked electoral setbacks in the wake of the 2008 crisis. Yet, despite the initial success of emerging movements, and against some predictions, the traditional center-left parties in the countries studied did not collapse. On the contrary, in Spain and Italy, these parties have recovered. In France, the PS remains resilient and a key player in the political game. In Belgium, despite a gradual erosion, the Socialist family remains at a high electoral level in both Flanders and Wallonia.
Through this project, the idea is to provide a key to understanding this social-democratic resilience. The aim is to study the reasons for the strategic adaptations of these players, taking into account various factors that vary between the countries studied: identity and weight of the new competing parties, specific history of the social-democratic party, electoral system (from more proportional to more majoritarian), etc. Moreover, by studying social democracy, this project aims to provide keys to understanding the transformations of other traditional political families (Christian Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, etc.). One could imagine the same project in mirror form with, as its theme, the adaptations of center-right parties to the rise of the far right, for example.
The project is based on qualitative methods - analysis of discourse, documents, archives and interviews with political players - to understand how social-democratic players interpreted and reacted to the context, and trace the processes that led them to adapt their ideology or structure, sometimes at the cost of bitter internal struggles.
Arthur Borriello - Mini CV
Arthur Borriello defended his doctoral thesis in political science at the Université libre de Bruxelles in 2016. During his years of postdoctoral research, he focused on the socio-political transformations following the economic crisis in Southern Europe, with a particular interest in left-wing populism, its strategy, organization and discourse.

Since February 2023, he has been a lecturer in the Department of Social, Political and Communication Sciences at the EMCP Faculty of the University of Namur. He recently published with Verso, in collaboration with Anton Jäger: The Populist Moment. The Left After the Great Recession.
A Scientific Impulse Mandate (MIS) from the FNRS
In December 2024, Arthur Borriello was awarded an MIS from the FNRS. This prestigious 3-year funding aims to support young tenured academics wishing to develop an original and innovative research program by acquiring their scientific autonomy within their Department.
Within the Democratic Transformations Pole of the TRANSITIONS Institute, this mandate will enable the constitution of a research team led by the researcher.

21 new F.R.S.-FNRS grants for research at UNamur
21 new F.R.S.-FNRS grants for research at UNamur
The F.R.S.-FNRS has just published the results of its various 2024 calls. Equipment calls, research credits and projects, FRIA doctoral grants and Mandant d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS), there are many instruments to support fundamental research. Find out more about UNamur's results.

The "research credits and projects" call resulted in 14 grants for ambitious new projects. These include two "equipment" grants, five "research credits (CDR)" grants and seven "research projects (PDR)" grants, including one in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland. The FRIA doctoral research support call will fund 6 doctoral fellowships.
A prestigious Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS) has also been obtained. This 3-year funding supports young permanent researchers wishing to develop an original and innovative research program while acquiring scientific autonomy within their department.
Results in detail
Call for Equipment
- Max Collinet, Institut ILEE
- Catherine Michaux, with Stéphane Vincent and Guillaume Berionni, co-sponsors, Institut NISM
Call for Research Credits (CDR)
- Thierry Arnould, Institut NARILIS
- Thomas Balligand, Department of Medicine
- Danielle Leenaerts, Institut PaTHs
- Denis Saint-Amand, Institut NaLTT
- Elio Tuci, Institut NADI
Appel Projets de Recherche (PDR)
- Nathalie Burnay, in collaboration with "the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland", Institut Transitions (Subject to acceptance by SNSF Switzerland)
- Catherine Guirkinger, Institut DEFIPP, co-promoter in collaboration with UCLouvain
- Luca Fusaro, Institut NISM
- Laurence Meurant, Institut NaLTT
- René Preys, Institut PaTHs
- Stéphane Vincent, Institut NISM, co-promoter in collaboration with UCLouvain
- Johan Wouters, Institut NISM, co-promoter in collaboration with UCLouvain
Fonds pour la formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA)
- Alix Buridant - Promoter: Henri-François Renard, Institut NARILIS ; Co-sponsor: Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck - Austria -
- Constance De Maere d'Aertrycke - Promoter Nicolas Gillet, Institut NARILIS
- Noah Deveaux - Promoter: Benoît Champagne, Institut NISM
- Nicolas Dricot - Promoter: Muriel Lepère, Institut NISM; Co-promoter: Bastien Vispoel, Institut NISM and Université Grenoble Alpes
- Laurie Marchal - Promoter Thierry Arnould. Co-promoter: Patricia Renard. Institut NARILIS
- Léa Poskin - Promoter: Catherine Michaux, Institut NISM; Co-promoter: Jean-Pierre Gillet, Institut NARILIS
Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS)
- Arthur Borriello, Institut Transitions
Congratulations to all and sundry
!F.R.S.-FNRS missions
The mission of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS is to develop basic scientific research through initiatives presented by researchers. It promotes the production and development of knowledge by supporting individual researchers on the one hand, and by financing research programs carried out in laboratories and departments located mainly in the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation on the other.
Based on the sole criterion of scientific excellence, financial support from the F.R.S.-FNRS is provided in several ways. Numerous calls for funding are launched each year to support fundamental research at all levels of researchers' careers.

Taking into account the family situation of members of parliament: a major challenge for the future
Taking into account the family situation of members of parliament: a major challenge for the future
Reconciling family life and a political career in the European Parliament poses major challenges, particularly for MEPs with young children. This is demonstrated by Elena Frech, researcher at the University of Namur, in her recent research on work-life balance in European institutions.

According to Elena Frech, member of the Transitions and of the Department of Social Sciences, and Communication (Faculty EMCP), the lack of parenting Members of the European Parliament, and in particular mothers and young parents, has a direct impact on political decisions. "Parents see the world differently and, if there are fewer parents in the Parliament, this will inevitably affect policy and the decisions taken," she explains in an interview with EUobserver.
The researcher highlights the difficulties faced by MEPs in reconciling their mandate and family life. Between long working hours, travel between Strasbourg, Brussels and their constituencies, as well as the absence of formal parental leave, many elected representatives are forced to curtail or interrupt their political careers. "The absence of a parental leave policy, combined with a demanding schedule, has led some MPs not to stand for re-election in 2024," adds Elena Frech.
The European Parliament currently provides neither maternity nor paternity leave for its members. According to Elena Frech, this lack of official recognition of parental leave increases the pressure on parent MEPs. "Their party loses a vote, because parents on leave cannot be replaced for the vote. So the pressure to return is very strong" (EUobserver).
An essential debate for the future of European institutions
Elena Frech's research highlights a structural problem within the European institutions, which limits the diversity and representation of parents, particularly women, in the European Parliament. Her work raises a fundamental question: how can internal regulations be adapted to take better account of the reality of MEPs' families? A key issue for the future of European democracy.
Credits : the interview passages in this article are taken from an interview with Elena Frech conducted by EUobserver.
Source for EUobserver article : Bonneyrat, S. (2025).Is the EU Parliament still letting down female MEPs with children? EUobserver.
Find the scientific studies on which the EUobserver article is based:
Frech, Elena and Sophie Kopsch.2024. "Beyond Rhetoric: The European Parliament as a Workplace for Parents and Current Reform Debates", Politics and Governance 12.
Frech, Elena.2024. Mothers, parliamentarians, leaders: career factors influencing women's representation in the European Parliament - a case study of German parliamentarians.European Politics and Society, 1–19.

FNRS 2024 calls: Thinking about work after legal retirement age
FNRS 2024 calls: Thinking about work after legal retirement age
Nathalie Burnay, professor in the EMCP Faculty and member of the TRANSITIONS Institute, has just been awarded PDR funding from the F.R.S-FNRS for her BRIDGE-EXT project. In collaboration with the Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Lausanne, she will focus on the situations and reasons that contribute to the continuation of professional activity after the legal retirement age.

At a time when various governments are trying to get us to work until we're 67, some workers are continuing to work past the legal retirement age.
The BRIDGE-EXT project, funded by the PDR du F.R.S-FNRS, aims to gain a better understanding of these professional situations by questioning both the individual and relational reasons that contribute to continuing to work, but also the structural dynamics involved. It is for the latter reason that the researchers have developed a partnership with colleagues in French-speaking Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof. Valérie Hugentobler of the Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Lausanne (HETSL/HES-SO).
The interest of this collaboration lies in understanding post-retirement work according to differentiated political contexts where retirement systems are both fairly comparable, but also very different. How, then, are we to apprehend this work, which poses both the question of life choices and the constraints, particularly financial, that weigh on individuals today?
The research team will be made up of sociologists and anthropologists specializing in issues of aging at work. Amélie Pierre will be hired at UNamur to work on these issues, which are at the heart of current affairs.
Mini CV
Nathalie Burnay is a sociologist and full professor at the University of Namur (EMCP Faculty). For many years, she has been working on the analysis of end-of-career and ageing at work from a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. She approaches these issues from an analysis of social policies, changing working conditions and normative transformations in the contemporary world.

In recent years, her scientific horizons have opened up to questions related to transmissions, life courses and temporalities, as well as to the sociology of emotions.
She is also a member of the Institut TRANSITIONS - Pôle Transitions et âges de la vie. This cluster studies the way in which these life courses are recomposed according to new social constraints and normative imperatives. It focuses on the fragility of populations at all stages of life, and also on the repercussions of political measures and mechanisms on the construction of life courses. It brings together researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds who analyze both the normative transformations affecting life courses and life-age transitions.
FNRS, la liberté de chercher
Chaque année, le F.R.S.-FNRS lance des appels pour financer la recherche fondamentale. Il a mis en place une gamme d'outils permettant d’offrir à des chercheurs, porteurs d’un projet d’excellence, du personnel scientifique et technique, de l’équipement et des moyens de fonctionnement.

Prestigious FNRS MIS funding for Arthur Borriello
Prestigious FNRS MIS funding for Arthur Borriello
Arthur Borriello, professor in the EMCP Faculty and member of the TRANSITIONS Institute, has just been awarded a Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS), prestigious funding from the F.R.S-FNRS. Through a comparison of 4 countries, this research project aims to understand why and how social democratic parties have adapted to the socio-political changes of the last ten years. Explanations.

Over the past decade, the European political landscape has undergone major upheavals, with the collapse of certain parties, the emergence of new players and a fragmentation of the political offering. The consequences? An increase in abstention, greater electoral volatility and more unpredictable results. Against this backdrop, the social-democratic parties, emblems of the mass parties of the second half of the twentieth century now in difficulty, have found themselves facing competition from new players (new center parties, far-right formations, and left-wing populist parties).
This project aims to answer the following question: How have "old school " social-democratic parties adapted in the face of new competition? Did they seek to respond to the ideological and organizational innovations of the new parties?
If we look back 10 years, we see that social democratic parties suffered marked electoral setbacks in the wake of the 2008 crisis. Yet, despite the initial success of emerging movements, and against some predictions, the traditional center-left parties in the countries studied did not collapse. On the contrary, in Spain and Italy, these parties have recovered. In France, the PS remains resilient and a key player in the political game. In Belgium, despite a gradual erosion, the Socialist family remains at a high electoral level in both Flanders and Wallonia.
Through this project, the idea is to provide a key to understanding this social-democratic resilience. The aim is to study the reasons for the strategic adaptations of these players, taking into account various factors that vary between the countries studied: identity and weight of the new competing parties, specific history of the social-democratic party, electoral system (from more proportional to more majoritarian), etc. Moreover, by studying social democracy, this project aims to provide keys to understanding the transformations of other traditional political families (Christian Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, etc.). One could imagine the same project in mirror form with, as its theme, the adaptations of center-right parties to the rise of the far right, for example.
The project is based on qualitative methods - analysis of discourse, documents, archives and interviews with political players - to understand how social-democratic players interpreted and reacted to the context, and trace the processes that led them to adapt their ideology or structure, sometimes at the cost of bitter internal struggles.
Arthur Borriello - Mini CV
Arthur Borriello defended his doctoral thesis in political science at the Université libre de Bruxelles in 2016. During his years of postdoctoral research, he focused on the socio-political transformations following the economic crisis in Southern Europe, with a particular interest in left-wing populism, its strategy, organization and discourse.

Since February 2023, he has been a lecturer in the Department of Social, Political and Communication Sciences at the EMCP Faculty of the University of Namur. He recently published with Verso, in collaboration with Anton Jäger: The Populist Moment. The Left After the Great Recession.
A Scientific Impulse Mandate (MIS) from the FNRS
In December 2024, Arthur Borriello was awarded an MIS from the FNRS. This prestigious 3-year funding aims to support young tenured academics wishing to develop an original and innovative research program by acquiring their scientific autonomy within their Department.
Within the Democratic Transformations Pole of the TRANSITIONS Institute, this mandate will enable the constitution of a research team led by the researcher.

21 new F.R.S.-FNRS grants for research at UNamur
21 new F.R.S.-FNRS grants for research at UNamur
The F.R.S.-FNRS has just published the results of its various 2024 calls. Equipment calls, research credits and projects, FRIA doctoral grants and Mandant d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS), there are many instruments to support fundamental research. Find out more about UNamur's results.

The "research credits and projects" call resulted in 14 grants for ambitious new projects. These include two "equipment" grants, five "research credits (CDR)" grants and seven "research projects (PDR)" grants, including one in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland. The FRIA doctoral research support call will fund 6 doctoral fellowships.
A prestigious Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS) has also been obtained. This 3-year funding supports young permanent researchers wishing to develop an original and innovative research program while acquiring scientific autonomy within their department.
Results in detail
Call for Equipment
- Max Collinet, Institut ILEE
- Catherine Michaux, with Stéphane Vincent and Guillaume Berionni, co-sponsors, Institut NISM
Call for Research Credits (CDR)
- Thierry Arnould, Institut NARILIS
- Thomas Balligand, Department of Medicine
- Danielle Leenaerts, Institut PaTHs
- Denis Saint-Amand, Institut NaLTT
- Elio Tuci, Institut NADI
Appel Projets de Recherche (PDR)
- Nathalie Burnay, in collaboration with "the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland", Institut Transitions (Subject to acceptance by SNSF Switzerland)
- Catherine Guirkinger, Institut DEFIPP, co-promoter in collaboration with UCLouvain
- Luca Fusaro, Institut NISM
- Laurence Meurant, Institut NaLTT
- René Preys, Institut PaTHs
- Stéphane Vincent, Institut NISM, co-promoter in collaboration with UCLouvain
- Johan Wouters, Institut NISM, co-promoter in collaboration with UCLouvain
Fonds pour la formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA)
- Alix Buridant - Promoter: Henri-François Renard, Institut NARILIS ; Co-sponsor: Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck - Austria -
- Constance De Maere d'Aertrycke - Promoter Nicolas Gillet, Institut NARILIS
- Noah Deveaux - Promoter: Benoît Champagne, Institut NISM
- Nicolas Dricot - Promoter: Muriel Lepère, Institut NISM; Co-promoter: Bastien Vispoel, Institut NISM and Université Grenoble Alpes
- Laurie Marchal - Promoter Thierry Arnould. Co-promoter: Patricia Renard. Institut NARILIS
- Léa Poskin - Promoter: Catherine Michaux, Institut NISM; Co-promoter: Jean-Pierre Gillet, Institut NARILIS
Mandat d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS)
- Arthur Borriello, Institut Transitions
Congratulations to all and sundry
!F.R.S.-FNRS missions
The mission of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS is to develop basic scientific research through initiatives presented by researchers. It promotes the production and development of knowledge by supporting individual researchers on the one hand, and by financing research programs carried out in laboratories and departments located mainly in the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation on the other.
Based on the sole criterion of scientific excellence, financial support from the F.R.S.-FNRS is provided in several ways. Numerous calls for funding are launched each year to support fundamental research at all levels of researchers' careers.