Arthur Borriello
Arthur Borriello has been Professor of Political Science at the University of Namur since February 2023 and is a member of the Institut Transitions. He previously carried out his doctoral and post-doctoral research with Cevipol at the Université libre de Bruxelles, and spent time as a visiting researcher at a number of other institutions (University of Cambridge, College City of New York, University of Essex, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Università Federico II di Napoli, SciencesPo Paris).
Research institutes
Domains of expertise
His research focuses on the transformation of parties and party systems in Western and Southern Europe in the wake of the eurozone crisis (2010-2013). He is particularly interested in discourse analysis, populism and the place of conflict in democracy. He recently published, with Anton Jäger, The Populist Moment. The Left after the Great Recession (Verso, 2023).
External responsibilities
- Member of the ABSP editorial committee
- Member of the editorial team of the review Politique
- Co-coordinator of the ABSP ‘Social issues - social conflicts’ working group
Analyse des discours économiques (inter)nationaux [EPOLB304]
Démocraties, Populismes et Extrémismes [EPOLB217]
Nouveaux conflits sociaux et politiques [EPOLB216_P39060]
Nouveaux conflits sociaux et politiques [EPOLB216]
Project : European Integration. Learning Theories in Negotiation Role-plays [EPOLB322]
Analyse des discours économiques (inter)nationaux [EPOLB304]
Démocraties, Populismes et Extrémismes [EPOLB217]
Nouveaux conflits sociaux et politiques [EPOLB216]
Nouveaux conflits sociaux et politiques [EPOLB216_P35155]
Project : European Integration. Learning Theories in Negotiation Role-plays [EPOLB322]
Projet : Décrypter la communication politique [EPICB131]
Démocraties, Populismes et Extrémismes [EPOLB217]
Conflits sociaux et politiques [EPOLB316]
Conflits sociaux et politiques [EPOLB316_P30392]
Project : European Integration. Learning Theories in Negotiation Role-plays [EPOLB322]
Projet : Décrypter la communication politique [EPICB131]