At the University of Namur, research activities are made possible by outstanding teams grouped together in nine technology platforms, each of which houses state-of-the-art equipment, technical know-how and cutting-edge expertise. They are accessible to the scientific community as well as to industry and business.

  • BL3 Lab (Handling of classified level 3 pathogen organisms)
  • Genomics (Genomic and transcriptomic analysis)
  • Life sciences
  • L.O.S. (Optics, Lasers & Spectroscopies)
  • MaSUN (Proteomics and Mass Spec)
  • Morph-Im (Morphology and Imaging)
  • PC2 (Physico-chemical characterization)
  • PTCI (High performance computing support)
  • SIAM (Material synthesis, irradiation and analysis)

Inter-university platforms

The BIOGREEN Technological Platform of Excellence

This platform brings together all the academic institutions of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, to create a remarkable infrastructure that is unique in the Walloon region. Funded by the Walloon Recovery Plan, it ensures, for the first time, the pooling of equipment and skills of the entire French-speaking scientific community in Belgium in these fields. 

The Research Platform for Energy Transition (RRF)

This platform will provide the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation with an equipment platform (structured into seven sub-platforms) enabling research in line with regional and European energy objectives. Co-funded by the European Union's NextGenrationEU and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, it will address new research challenges in the design, dimensioning and operation of complex energy systems, and thus provide the best possible support for our society's energy transition.