- Implementation of the PHARE plan, combating moral and sexual harassment and aggression against students
- Master of specialization in gender studies: this training program in gender studies pools the expertise of the six universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in this field, creating or federating specific and original teaching units.
- Participation in the Comité Femmes et Sciences
- Participation in the Guide d'accompagnement pour l'inclusion des personnes trans dans l'enseignement supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles edited by ARES and the Direction de l'égalité des chances du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
- Participation in the European UniSAFE project
- Collaboration with the CHEFF
- Collaboration with the City, Public Prosecutor's Office and Police of Namur
- Collaboration with the City of Namur's platform "Namur'elles"