"It is by allowing ourselves to be inspired by our new honorary doctors and by submitting ourselves without complacency to criticism, that we wish to continue our progress towards ever greater responsibility, in the service of social and environmental justice" - Annick Castiaux, Rector of UNamur.

The insignia of Doctorates Honoris Causa will be awarded at a ceremony to be held on September 30, 2024, at UNamur.

From now until then, we invite you to discover each week, the portrait of one of our four Honorary Doctors 2024.

Today: Bob Rugurika

Bob Rugurika is a Burundian journalist and the director of Radio Publique Africaine (RPA), a private radio station renowned for its human rights reporting. He has become a symbol of freedom of expression in Burundi, notably after his arrest in January 2015 for broadcasting an interview implicating Burundian intelligence services in the murder of three Italian nuns. Charged with complicity in the murder and violating the secrecy of the investigation, he was imprisoned in Muramvya. Released on bail in February 2015, he was forced into exile due to government repression. Bob Rugurika is today a powerful and respected voice in the fight for press freedom and human rights in Burundi.

Sponsor: Anne-Sophie Collard, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences, Professor of Communications

Sponsor: Jean-Marie Balland, Professor and Director of the Department of Economics