"It is by allowing ourselves to be inspired by our new honorary doctors and by submitting ourselves without complacency to criticism, that we wish to continue our progress towards ever greater responsibility, in the service of social and environmental justice" - Annick Castiaux, Rector of UNamur.

The insignia of Doctorates Honoris Causa will be awarded at a ceremony to be held on September 30, 2024, at UNamur.

From now until then, we invite you to discover each week, the portrait of one of our four Honorary Doctors 2024.

Today: Father Pedro

Animated by a desire to help those most in need, Father Pedro Opeka, a Lazarist priest, devotes his life to improving the living conditions of Madagascar's marginalized populations. His strong humanitarian commitment has resulted in the creation of Akamasoa, an association that provides shelter, education and healthcare to thousands of Malagasy people. By transforming the lives of an entire community in this way, he has become a symbol of hope in a country beset by poverty.

Sponsor: Géraldine Mathieu, professor of family and youth law

Sponsor: Laurent Ravez, Professor of philosophy and ethics

The Akamasoa association in a few figures

  • more than 25,000 people having found decent housing
  • 22 villages built
  • 27 schools accommodating 18,000 students enrolled from kindergarten to high school and university
  • Lunch meals served to 11,000 primary school children
  • 3,500 employees
  • A team of 600 teachers and 450 staff surround Father Pedro