The valorization of a research project is a process that goes from the institution to society. The University of Namur collaborates with various partners to support developing projects.
The Economic Office of the Province of Namur (BEP)
As the economic development agency for the Namur region, BEP provides entrepreneurs with a personalized approach, local services and specific tools. It supports companies in the development of their activities (start-up, expansion, consolidation, internationalization, establishment, etc.) and facilitates the emergence of innovative business projects.

Namur-Invest | Preface
A mixed investment and financing company with public and private shareholders, it focuses on SMEs based in the Province of Namur. Préface, a subsidiary of Namur Invest, is dedicated to supporting spin-off and spin-out projects, in partnership with universities located in the Province of Namur and using innovative technologies.

UNamur Venture
The mission of the UNamur Venture investment fund is to provide seed capital for the institution's spin-off projects. The purpose of this initiative is linked to the University's third mission, its vocation to serve society and support local and regional economic development. The capital of UNamur Venture is held equally by Namur Invest | Préface and the University of Namur.

The Liaison Universités-Entreprises (LiEU) network
The LiEU Network brings together the Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs) of the five universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. LiEU is a single point of entry to all the universities' skills: it brings together researchers and private or public partners with a view to stimulating collaborations.