Horizon Europe

Acronym | Grant #Researcher(s) UNamurCategoryAbstract
ERAMET | Grant #101137141F. Musuamba TshinanuHORIZON-HLTH-2023-IND-06Learn more...
ERGA | Grant #101059492A. DennisHORIZON REA.B.3, BGE 101059492Learn more...

European innovation council (EIC)

Acronym | Grant #Researcher(s) UNamurCategoryAbstract
ARTEMIS | Grant #101115149Y. CaudanoHorizon Europe EIC-PathfinderLearn more...

European Research Council (ERC)

Acronym | Grant #Researcher(s) UNamurCategoryAbstract
B-YOND | Grant # 101044649G. BerionniERC-CoGLearn more...
POLSTYLE | Grant # 101078226J. DodeigneERC-STGLearn more...
CITIZEN_IMPACT | Grant # 101077920V. JacquetERC-STGLearn more...
AfricanWomen | Grant # 759294C. GuirkingerERC-STGLearn more...

ADRE | Financing advisors

Fundings FRS-FNRS, Fédéraux (Belspo, Brain, FED-tWIN), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (ARC), prizes and foundations

Email: jean-pascal.piret@unamur.be - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 47

Financing Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF, Interreg, FEAMP), Walloon Region and corporate research contracts

Email: nathalie.malengreau@unamur.be - Tel +32(0)81 72 57 08

Horizon Europe funding (ERC, MSCA, Infrastructures, EIC), LIFE+ and ESA

Email: christelle.saout@unamur.be - Tel +32(0)81 72 50 47

Horizon Europe funding (Pillar 2 collaborative projects) and COST Actions

Email: erika.lombart@unamur.be - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 45

Win4SpinOff and POC Walloon Region funding

Email: laurent.galas@unamur.be - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 39