Calls for funding applications have been listed together on an online platform dedicated to research funding.

This internal space is accessible to all members of the University of Namur, whatever their status or career stage:

  • students, PhD students, post-docs (researchers R1-R2);
  • academic or assimilated staff (researchers R3-R4);
  • Administrative, Technical and Management staff (ATG).

Access to the database of calls in progress

Institution members can access the platform and consult all current, permanent and recurring calls. The search bar lets you search by criteria (funder, target audience, research area) or with any keyword.

Calls are listed in the main language of the funder's website.

Funding managed by the Research Council

As part of its mission to provide administrative support to the Vice-Rector for Research and President of the Research Council, ADRE is called upon to manage various internal calls for applications. To cite just a few examples: ARC and institutional doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships, travel grants (FWB), FSR (Fonds Spécial Recherche), draft mandates (aspirant, FRIA, FRESH), co-financing and cotutelle, support for Doctoral Schools (FNRS).

Directly, ADRE is responsible for the administrative support of the Vice-Rector for Research and President of the Research Council.
Travail dans un laboratoire

Funding managed by departments other than ADRE

The International Relations Department manages student mobility, PhD students and post-docs with WBI, AUF, BAEF and Fulbright funders as well as ARES-CCD calls.

The EURAXESS unit also manages the mobility of researchers (PhD students and post-docs).

The Fundraising Unit ( supports researchers in mobilizing alternative funding sources (fundraising, foundations and private funds, Loterie Nationale, ASBL, crowdfunding, sponsorship, etc.). 

ADRE | Financing advisors

Fundings FRS-FNRS, Fédéraux (Belspo, Brain, FED-tWIN), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (ARC), prizes and foundations

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 47

Financing Structural Funds (ERDF, ESF, Interreg, FEAMP), Walloon Region and corporate research contracts

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 57 08

Horizon Europe funding (ERC, MSCA, Infrastructures, EIC), LIFE+ and ESA

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 50 47

Horizon Europe funding (Pillar 2 collaborative projects) and COST Actions

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 45

Win4SpinOff and POC Walloon Region funding

Email: - Tel +32(0)81 72 53 39