You're a student, doctoral student, researcher or alumni. Are you wondering about your professional future? Don't know where to start looking for a job? An internship? Do you have an interview? In addition to having access at all times to the offers and content of the UNamur Career Center, the Cellule Emploi offers you individual or group support.

Job search, internships and career guidance

Individual interviews

Elaboration of your professional project; Search for offers adapted to your profile and professional project; Help with writing your CV & cover letters; Advice on job interviews; Reflection on post-thesis or pre-thesis, career reorientation, ....

  • Students & alumni: contact the Cellule Emploi to make an appointment.
  • Doctors & Researchers: contact Murielle Guillaume to make an appointment.

Group workshops

The Cellule Emploi organizes workshops at the request of faculties, departments, students, researchers and alumni associations.

UNamur Career Center

The UNamur Career Center will help you learn about: skills assessment, the job market, career planning, CVs, cover letters and job interviews, both in the "Resources" module and in the other modules offered by Jobteaser!

The UNamur Career Center will help you refine your career plan and find the internship or first job corresponding to your search criteria. You'll also find student jobs.

To register, nothing could be simpler: create your account on the UNamur Career Center:

  • If you're a member (student/doctoral researcher/...) of UNamur, log in with your UNamur ID
  • If you're a UNamur alumnus then log in with your e-mail address you entered in the alumni directory.

Some useful links


Student@Work | Everything you need to know about "jobs" legislation: how many days you can work per year, how to maintain your entitlement to child benefit...

Finances Belgium | Everything you need to know about taxation: remaining dependent on your parents, when to pay taxes ...

European students

How to connect to Student@work (International students)

International students

The student obtains the mention relating to work when he/she obtains his/her residence permit from the commune of his/her residence.

Shortlist, to keep your finger on the pulse of the job market

Find an internship or a first job without having to apply? It's possible with Shortlist!

Any questions?
