Research in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters is highly diversified. It aims to take a fresh look at the cultural productions of yesterday and today. Scientific projects on a national and international scale make it one of the main pillars of the Faculty's influence in Belgium and abroad. With a view to maintaining contact with the teaching provided in the various sections of the faculty, research was initially developed at departmental level, before being structured around research institutes and research centers attached to them.


Research institutes

  • Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality / Institut namurois de Langue, Texte et Transmédialité (NaLTT)
  • Patrimoines, Transmissions, Héritages (PaTHs)
  • Espace philosophique de Namur (ESPHIN)
  • Institut de Recherche Didactiques et Éducation (ESPHIN).be/" target="_blank">ESPHIN)
  • Institut de Recherche en Didactiques et Éducation de l'Université de Namur (IRDENa)
  • Institute of Life, Earth and Environment (ILEE)
  • Transitions
  • Namur Institute for Complex Systems (naXys)

Research centers

  • Centre de recherches namuroises en histoire Rurale (aRaiRe), attached to the PaTHs Institute
  • Research Centre Fontes Antiquitatis, attached to the PaTHs
  • Centre de recherche Gérard de Nerval (CRGN), attached to the Institut PaTHs
  • Centre de recherche Pratiques médiévales de l'écrit (PraME), attached to the Institut PaTHs
  • Centre de recherche Traces matérielles, Création et Patrimoine (AcanthuM), attached to the Institut PaTHs
  • Centre de recherche Histoire, Sons et Images (HiSI), attached to the Institut PaTHs
  • Centre Arcadie - Anthropocène, Histoire, Utopies (Arcadie), attached to the Institut ESPHIN
  • Centre Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix (cUNdp), attached to the ESPHIN
  • Pôle d'histoire et de sociologie environnementales de l'UNamur (PolleN), attached to the ILEE
  • Centre de recherche sur le Plurilinguisme (Pluri-LL), attached to the NaLTT
  • Laboratoire de Langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB-Lab), attached to the NaLTT
  • Observatoire des Littératures Sauvages (OLSa), attached to the NaLTT
  • Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation pour l'Enseignement du Français (CEDOCEF)



The Research Administration is at the disposal of researchers and partners both in terms of funding, proper management and valorization of research projects.