In philosophy... a passion for self-understanding!
No doubt you've had to overcome the traditional objection in and around you: "What's the point of philosophy?" The question is not devoid of common sense. But is common sense the best advisor in this matter?
The passion to understand and to understand ourselves in the world in which we live, in dialogue with tradition and all dimensions of culture, attests to philosophy's vocation of openness to the universal.
The human-sized environment of the philosophy department offers a privileged space to enter into the memory of intelligence, to be initiated into critical discernment, to learn about otherness and to think for oneself.
Such demands should not frighten! The availability of our teaching staff - a Namur tradition - will help you to do just that, as several generations of students have been able to verify, as they have flourished in their studies by discovering how philosophy can shape them into responsible players in tomorrow's society.
Sébastien Laoureux
Department Director