Enlightening our world through Greek and Latin sources.
Greek and Latin literature is one of the foundations of Western thought and culture. Whether we're studying history, literature, the arts, currents of thought..., references to Greco-Roman antiquity are omnipresent, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The Department of Classical Languages and Literatures thus lies at the intersection of disciplines, at the heart of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
Present since the creation of the University of Namur, courses in Latin and Greek introduce students to the study of ancient authors and the world in which they lived, while encouraging them to reflect on how each era has understood and been inspired by Antiquity. All indispensable keys to a profound understanding of our own world.
The Department of Classical Languages and Literatures brings together teacher-researchers specializing in the study of Greek and Latin languages and literatures, as well as in the history of antiquity. This union of philology and history is at the heart of the department's scientific and didactic project. It guarantees a genuine synergy in the teaching of subjects related to Greco-Roman antiquity.
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Department activities
As a complement to the courses, the Department of Classical Languages and Literatures offers students a series of "extra-academic" activities.

Student testimonials
Juliette and Yasmine share their experience with you.