Students at UNamur have the opportunity to complete an internship abroad during their studies (or immediately after graduation).

Internships can take place in a university, research laboratory, or other institutions, such as companies, associations or other private or public sector organizations (with the exception of institutions, bodies and agencies of the European Union) located in a member country of the European Union, in a third country associated with the Erasmus+ program or in a third country not associated with the program and also in Belgium, in another linguistic community.

Different types of internship are possible:

1. The "academic"

This type of internship concerns 1st and 2nd cycle students whose program provides for the integration of professional-type experience into their training. The internship is therefore part of the student's individual program of study (PAE), and like any other teaching unit, its successful completion earns credits.

2. The "research" internship

2nd and 3rd cycle students can carry out a research internship in universities or research laboratories abroad, as part of the preparation of their dissertation or thesis. Mobility in this context entails the recognition of part of the credits associated with the dissertation or doctoral training.

3. A "voluntary" internship (outside the academic program)

This type of internship, even if not associated with credits, must demonstrate a connection with the student's training and professional and personal development. All voluntary internships must be approved in advance by a UNamur academic program manager, who must also sign the internship contract. The internship must be included in the Diploma Supplement.

4. A "young graduate"

This type of internship aims to facilitate the entry of young graduates into professional life. It can be organized and financed only if certain academic and administrative conditions are met. These are analyzed on a case-by-case basis. It should be noted that the internship agreement must be signed before graduation, while the internship must take place within 12 months of graduation.

Students who have already completed a mobility program (either a "course" or "internship") during their studies and wish to undertake an internship as a young graduate are eligible if all the selection conditions are met. However, the maximum duration of funding for a single study cycle is 12 months, so monthly payments already made as part of a previous mobility program will be deducted from the final calculation. For further information on this type of internship, please contact the International Relations Department.



International Relations Department
