Find out more

Throughout the year, information sessions are organized by program managers and faculty mobility coordinators and by the International Relations Department to give you information on international exchange opportunities, destinations and funding possibilities.

These sessions are organized at key times during the academic year:

  • Academic start: information at the back-to-school welcome sessions
  • Testimonial evening: 06 November 2024
  • Faculty information sessions: first half of November
  • Meetings with exchange students from your faculty: early January

Apply at

The call for applications for study stays in Flanders, Europe and other destinations outside Europe opens in mid-December. Interested students receive the link to the online application form via their faculty coordinators. The call closes in mid-February.

Selections take place during February and March.

The call for applications for training stays in Flanders, Europe and other destinations outside Europe is open continuously, throughout the year.

To be eligible, applications must be submitted on the Mobility Online platform

by June 30 at the latest

  • for a stay in Flanders or within the European Union during Q1 of the following academic year
  • for a stay in other destinations outside Europe during Q2 of the following academic year

by by September 30 at the latest

  • for a stay in Flanders or within the European Union during Q2 of the following academic year

Graduate students

PhD students wishing to apply for a long or short research stay must apply:

  • no later than 2 months before the presumed date of departure if the host institution is located in a third country associated with the program
  • no later than 3 months before the presumed date of departure if the host institution is located in a third country not associated with the program.

Short-term mobility programs

Applications for course-type stays (short hybrid mobility or short intensive program) are only accepted for activities selected in advance by the departments in agreement with the International Relations Department.

Find out more about practical details



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Insurance and visa

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Green mobility

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