In the new edition of the Erasmus+ program covering the period 2021-2027, the European Commission continues to strongly encourage long-term physical mobility experiences. However, it "recognizes the need to offer physical mobility formulas that are more flexible in terms of duration to ensure that the program is accessible to students from all backgrounds, regardless of their origins, personal circumstances and course of study."

In order to foster a more inclusive approach that, at the same time, incorporates innovative forms of learning that exploit the educational potential possible through digital tools, the European Commission is planning to develop new forms of short-cycle mobility.

These new forms of mobility are aimed at "[...] students (short cycle, bachelor's or master's degree) who are not in a position to participate in a long-term physical mobility activity to study or do a work placement, for example, because of their course of study or because they have fewer opportunities to participate [...]". These students "will be able to undertake a short-term physical mobility activity by combining it with a compulsory virtual component."

Two types of action are targeted:

  • short hybrid mobilities (of the "course" or "internship" type)
  • intensive hybrid programs.

Any UNamur staff member wishing to introduce a short hybrid mobility project or an intensive hybrid program can find information and practical arrangements on the intranet.

Hybrid mobility

Hybrid mobility refers to physical mobility combined with a virtual component facilitating collaborative online learning based on exchange and teamwork. This virtual component can, for example, bring learners from different countries and different courses of study together online to take courses or work collectively and simultaneously on tasks that are recognized as part of their study program.

Students who are unable to take part in a long-term physical mobility activity for study or internship purposes, for example, because of their course of study or because they have fewer opportunities for participation, will be able to undertake a short-term physical mobility activity (minimum 5 days to maximum 30 days of mobility) by combining it with a mandatory virtual component, including participation in an intensive hybrid program.

Hybrid intensive programs

Extract from the Erasmus+ Program Guide Version I (2023): 23-11-2022 page 54

"These are short, intensive programs that use innovative learning and teaching methods, such as online cooperation. These programs can include problem-based learning sessions, in which transnational and transdisciplinary teams collaborate to address problems, such as challenges related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals or other societal challenges identified by regions, cities or companies, for example. The intensive program should offer added value in relation to the courses or training already offered by the participating HEIs, and may be multi-year. By offering new, more flexible mobility formulas that combine physical mobility with a virtual component, hybrid intensive programs target students of all types, backgrounds, fields of study and cycles.

Groups of higher education institutions will have the opportunity to organize short hybrid intensive programs for learning, teaching and training purposes for students and staff. Under these intensive hybrid programs, groups of students or staff as learners will undertake a short-term physical mobility stay abroad combined with a mandatory virtual component facilitating collaborative online learning based on exchange and teamwork. This virtual component should bring learners together online to work collectively and simultaneously on specific tasks that are integrated into the relevant hybrid intensive program and count towards overall learning outcomes.

In addition, hybrid intensive programs can be open to students and staff from any higher education institution. Hybrid intensive programs enhance the ability to design and implement innovative teaching and learning practices in participating HEIs."

UNamur has decided to give priority to initiatives coordinated by teachers or teams of teachers. The International Relations Department team is available to help teachers set up projects and to support teachers and students in organizing the physical component of these new forms of mobility.