To foster the development of research excellence at UNamur, it is essential to have a high-quality recruitment procedure for researchers and to support them throughout their careers.

From 2018, the European Commission is inviting European universities to sign up to the "OTM-R" strategy, which promotes Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment, as a complement to HRS4R actions.

OTM-R program objectives

Based on the Code for the Recruitment of Researchers, the OTM-R program aims to

  • improve the information needed to establish good recruitment conditions;
  • incentivize institutions to develop and use egalitarian recruitment procedures;
  • formalize the OTM-R policy through the actions presented in their HRS4R action plans.

A "gap analysis" was carried out in 2018.

Several action plans have been proposed. From 2021, the OTM-R action plan is integrated into the HRS4R action plan.