Moved by a fundamental motivation to serve the community and make research results accessible, the Health, Social and Wellbeing Unit (SSBE) has today developed its activities around various human sciences, such as law, psychology, philosophy, economics, etc., and regularly collaborates with players in the so-called hard sciences (medicine, pharmacy, engineering...). Its research focus, like the constant concern for respect for the human person, lends itself more to a broader approach than just the legal framework.

The researchers at SSBE examine how societal systems take into account, or fail to take into account, the various forms of vulnerability that can affect individuals or groups, on a one-off or permanent basis. The various norms and systems are thus analyzed in terms of their principles, practices, effectiveness, contradictions, players and developments, with a resolutely forward-looking objective and an important fundamental research dimension.

SSBE has developed national and international expertise in the fields of social protection, welfare, psychosocial risks, mental health, equality and non-discrimination, and issues closely or remotely related to public health (patients' rights, aging, disability...), as well as in interdisciplinary research methodology.