
Belgian Legislation (formerly Consolidated Legislation): includes the titles of all legislative and regulatory texts published in the Moniteur belge since 1945 concerning all areas of law.

Le Moniteur belge: full-text access since June 1997.

Banque carrefour de la Législation/Belgiquelex

Lex.be: new since March 2016

SenLex: collection of official information on Belgian institutional regulations. You will find, for each article of the main institutional norms, the relevant extracts from parliamentary documents, Constitutional Court case law and Council of State opinions. This database includes official information published since July 1, 2014. However, it also contains all parliamentary preparatory work for the sixth reform of the State, published before this date. Older texts can also be consulted in certain exceptional cases.

Reflex Chrono: legislation database of the Coordination Office of the Council of State.

Wallex: includes the full text of legislation, regulations and case law relating to the areas of law managed by the Walloon Region.

CoDT: Code du développement territorial

Gallilex: includes the essential legislation and regulations of the French Community Wallonia-Brussels, but also normative documents from other levels of authority, national and international, likely to interfere in the application of legislation by the services of the Government of the French Community.

Vlaamse Codex: includes the coordinated legislation of the Flemish Community since 1964.

Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU): includes the full text of the L series (Legislation), and the C series (Information and Communication) in full text since 1952 (some gaps between 1952 and 1955).

Eur-LEX - European Community Law: portal providing access to the Official Journal of the European Union, including treaties, legislation, case law and preparatory acts of legislation.

N-lex: portal providing access to official databases of national legislation from EU member states, using a standard search form.

Légifrance: a French portal that mainly provides access to texts published by the Journal Officiel, collective bargaining agreements and the case law of the Courts and Tribunals, but also to standards issued by the European Institutions, and France's international treaties and agreements.

Legislation.go.uk: the UK's legal portal (prior to OPSI).

Treaty Office (Council of Europe): provides access to Council of Europe treaties and explanatory reports, the status of signatures and ratifications, declarations and reservations made by States, and notifications issued by the Treaty Office since 2000.

United Nations (UN):

Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General (TMDSG): provides information on the status of over 560 major multilateral instruments deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (including the texts of reservations, declarations and objections) and covers a range of subjects such as human rights, disarmament, goods and services, refugees, the environment and the law of the sea.

United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS): contains a collection of treaties and international agreements deposited or registered, classified and entered in the Repertory and published by the Secretariat, since 1946, in accordance with Article 102 of the UN Charter.

Monthly Reports on Treaties and International Agreements (RTAI) : contains detailed information on treaties and related treaty formalities that have been registered or classified and entered in the Repertory by the Secretariat over a one-month period.

Parliamentary documents

Chamber: provides access to parliamentary documents since 1832 (keyword and author search possible since 1988), question and answer bulletins since 1998 (legislature 49), summary records (of Plenary Sessions and Committees) since 2000 (legislature 50), full records (of Plenary Sessions and Committees) since 1844.

Sénat: since 1995, access to legislative documents, plenary session annals, committee annals and question and answer bulletins. Since May 2006, it has been possible to consult all the Senate's old legislative documents (1834-1994) by searching by session, number and date.

Parlement wallon: includes all documents produced by the Parliament since 1981.

Parliament of the French Community: includes all parliamentary documents (draft and proposed decrees, normative decrees, question and answer bulletins, ...) since the 1971-1972 session, all decrees since 1973, verbatim reports since 2004 and parliamentary files since 1995.

Brussels Parliament: includes parliamentary documents, summary and verbatim reports, interpretation and oral question bulletins and written question and answer bulletins for both the Council and the Assembly since 1989.

Brussels French-speaking Parliament: includes since the 1989-1990 legislature, proposals and projects, work bulletins, committee reports, minutes, written questions and answers bulletins, interpretations and oral answers bulletins, decrees, regulations and resolutions adopted and cooperation agreements.

Flemish Community Commission Council (Raad Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie): includes since 1989, documents (Stukken), proceedings (Handelingen), analytical and integral minutes (Beknopt Verslag en integral Verslag), question and answer bulletins (Bulletin van Vragen en Antwoorden).

Flemish Parliament (Vlaams Parlement): includes all documents (stukken, vragen en interpellaties, schriftelijke vragen,...) from the Parliament since 1971.

German-speaking Parliament: provides a database of all documents (Parlamentsdoklumente, Ausführliche Berichte, Interpellationen,...) from the Parliament since 1973.

European Parliament:

European Parliament Legislative Observatory (OEIL): contains all living procedures, whatever their date of creation, and all procedures completed since the 4th legislature (July 1994), including European Parliament resolutions. It also contains all documents for information sent by the European Commission to the Parliament for 9 months from the date of receipt. These procedures are legislative, budgetary, non-legislative or internal to the European Parliament.

Prelex : is the database for inter-institutional procedures, enabling you to track the major stages in the decision-making process between the Commission and the other institutions (stage of the procedure, decisions by the institutions, names of the people, departments responsible, document references), to follow the work of the various institutions involved (European Parliament, Council, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Central Bank, Court of Justice, etc.) and finally to track all Commission proposals (legislative and budgetary dossiers, conclusion of international agreements) and communications from their transmission to the Council or European Parliament.

Preparatory work for the European Convention on Human Rights

Case law

Constitutional Court: includes full text of rulings since 1985, tables and pending cases.

Council of State: includes full text of rulings since September 1994.

Cour de Cassation - Les arrêts de la Cour de Cassation :

Juportal: includes summaries of rulings and decisions by the Cour de Cassation, Cour d'Arbitrage/Cour Constitutionnelle, Courts of Appeal and Courts of Labor, Tribunaux de 1ère Instances and Tribunaux du Travail since 1991. Only the most important rulings and pronouncements are included, with no systematic updating of all decisions. For the Cour de Cassation, only published rulings are included. This database also includes the decisions of the Commission d'aide aux victimes and the opinions of the Commission Vie Privée.

Court of Justice of the European Communities (CURIA): directory of Community case law including the full text of documents published in the Recueil de la jurisprudence since 1954 (and since 1994 for the Recueil de jurisprudence - Fonction publique (RecFP).

European Court of Human Rights (HUDOC): includes the European Convention on Human Rights, a list of recent judgments and access to the full text of the Court's judgments and decisions since 1960.

ACA Europe (Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union): provides access to over 40,000 pages of legal information.

  • DEC.NAT (National Decisions): contains some 32,500 references to national decisions concerning Community law, covering a period from 1959 to the present day.
  • JURIFAST (Rapid Information System) : contains the references and full text of "preliminary rulings files" grouping together the question referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling, the Court's reply to that question, the national decision(s) following on from that reply, and other national decisions concerning the interpretation of Union law (decisions without reference).

International Court of Justice: includes all contentious and advisory cases dealt with by the Court since 1946.

Permanent Court of International Justice: gives access to documents in the various series (A to F) for the period 1922-1946.

International Criminal Court

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

International mechanism to carry out the residual functions of the Criminal Tribunals - legacy site of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: many documents are available under the heading "Cases".

Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL): many documents are available under the heading "The SCSL" sub-headings "Cases" and "Documents".

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

Special Court for Lebanon


Moniteur belge - ASBL

Data Protection Authority (DPA): allows you to find opinions, recommendations and decisions under "Publications".

Conseil national du travail: allows you to find collective labor agreements under "Documents".

Ecolex: is an environmental law information service jointly managed by FAO, IUCN and UNEP. This database contains information on treaties, international soft law instruments and other policy documents or technical guidelines, national legislation and case law decisions, as well as relevant legal and policy literature. The user can directly access the summary and classification of each document, as well as the full text of most documents

Council of Europe database

Terra Laboris: social law research center

Iris Merlin: database of legal information relating to the audiovisual sector in Europe.

Justice online

E-justice: portal presenting the judicial systems of the 27 EU member states. With over 12,000 pages of content, this first version of the portal provides information and links on the practical laws in force in all EU states.


Belgian law portal

Droits quotidiens ASBL

Digithemis: historical digital information system on Justice.

Theses in France

La Grande Bibliothèque du Droit

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC):

  • ICRC Treaty Database : includes around 100 treaties and instruments of international humanitarian law (IHL) dating from 1856 to the present day.
  • Database: national implementation of international humanitarian law: contains texts and commentaries relating to the national implementation of international humanitarian law. The number of states covered will gradually increase. The content is based on information available to the ICRC's Advisory Services on International Humanitarian Law. It is an illustration of the different aspects and possibilities of national implementation of this law, and not an exhaustive inventory. The language used is English (with the exception of official texts in Spanish or French, which appear in their original version).
  • Database on customary IHL

Personal data: a knowledge base on personal data protection legislation in France, which also includes more general news on the law of new technologies
