The NISM Institute's Multi-scale Modeling through High-Performance Computing (HPC-MM) cluster aims to share techniques, skills and computational tools to develop new materials and predict their final properties. It also aims to improve modeling techniques and computer codes to take into account most of the chemistry and physics of structured matter.


With our techniques, we investigate different types of materials:

  • Materials for nonlinear optics with applications in materials science (photonics) and biology (lipid membrane organization).
  • Light-emitting materials for OLEDs applications
  • Metal nanoparticles to exploit plasmons in detection/sensor systems
  • Metamaterials to exploit them in devices enabling ideal light absorption.
  • Graphene and 2D materials for electronics.
  • Materials in cultural heritage.


Computational chemistry, numerical simulations, artificial intelligence, method development, design of new materials, optoelectronic properties, interdisciplinarity

Permanent members and associated research units

HPC-MM representatives

Permanent members

Prof. Yoann OLIVIER

Non-permanent members

Dr. Charlotte BOUQUIAUX